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[ Jungkook's POV ]

Sunlight peeked through my window and entered my closed eyes which made me flutter my eyes open. I yawned and stuck my legs to the floor, walking towards the washroom.

After washing my face simply with water, I strolled out humming a random song.

Before I could walk in my closet, my phone rang which interrupting the song I was singing. Annoyed, I picked it up and looked at the caller ID. My lips curved into a soft smile when I saw who it was. 

"What do you want now?" I tried to sound irritated.

I heard shambling and waited for the caller to speak. 

"Yo help me!" The voice suddenly yelled loudly which made me pull the
phone away from my ears. "What?"

"Last night someone invaded my house and when I woke up this morning, I couldn't find my phone." She explained. "Oh then how am I talking to you," Amazed, I responded with a deep chuckle at the end.

"This is my friend's number." She replied, making me nod.

"I don't understand. You are risking your life and not even going to give a complaint, Yu Jin?"

"Nah. There is this boy who lives down the street and he has a crush on me. Maybe it's just him because this happened a few times. He has stolen my phone, given it back. Stolen my clothes, given it back."

"Suspicious," She went on about all the things the boy had caused. At this point, the boy she was talking about was pictured in my head as a 13 year old with no proper education about 'loving someone'.  

Yu Jin asked what she should do with him, to which I couldn't lie but say she should definitely call him over and talk about it, whether older or younger. I cheered her up for a while before hanging up.

The day was pretty boring, since I had nothing much to finish or do. I found myself lying on the couch, a packet of chips resting on my stomach, my left hand holding the TV remote while my other hand was inside the packet, searching for the leftover chips.

My phone rang the second time that day, disturbing the peaceful silence I was immersed in. As I took a look at the caller ID, I immediately sat up straight not minding the packet of chips falling beside me. 

Attending it, I placed it on my left ear and heard a whisper. "Another code? Now what?" I groaned.

"Kill her." The caller said after a few seconds. "W-what I'm sorry I can't she is my close friend-"She interrupted me.

"I asked you to get close to her to kill her. Now do it." "Okay.." Disappointed, I ended the call and sighed.

No way.

[ Minseo's POV ]

"Hey!" I greeted Nara and smiled softly at her. She smiled back and we walked to school.

About last night, after I found out it was a bloody arm along with a mysterious note, it did freak me out but later I found courage to throw the arm away as it stank a lot. I couldn't throw the letter too as it made me think it maybe meant something.

I was hesitant to tell Nara about it, but I couldn't hold it in anymore. "So..last night..I.." I stopped often, not knowing what to say.

"Last night what?" She asked, mumbling a lyrics of a song.

"I got a box and..it a had a b-bloody.." I said but the sentence wouldn't just come out of my mouth. "Hey what happened?" She asked, concerned. I could see worry in her black, sparkling eyes.

", A..a b-bloody arm." Finally ending the sentence, I let out a rough sigh and almost instantly avoided her eyes. 

"W-what? That is creepy dude. W-was there any note or anything?" She stuttered, sounding like she was confirming something. 

"How did you know-" "Chill! I received the same kind yesterday too it looke-" "Wait really!?" My eyes went large at the information. 

"Yeahh," She extended, continuing to walk with my arm in hers. I was surprised at how calm she was. 

"I threw it away too, it looked funny!" She laughed. 

Funny? A probably dead person's arm is funny? 

The whole thing felt overwhelming so I distracted myself before I wondered more about it.

Our first class was totally different. She had science and I had math.

Groaning at her, she smiled at me and asked me to listen to the teacher and forget about the incident. I nodded walking off to my first class. 

Time crept by and we were already a class away from our lunch break. 

I excused myself to use the washroom in the middle of our ongoing session walked down the hallway. As I mindlessly walked towards the girls bathroom, something small and round rolled on the floor. Isn't this the ball I saw yesterday? I wondered and decided not to pick it up. It was a second later that I involuntarily picked the ball up. 

Another note was now stuck on it. Scoffing, I plucked it out and read it slowly.

'By the way, you look amazingly perfect in that dress. The school did the right thing choosing this uniform. Oh how would it be if I rip off those?'

I lost words to speak. Was this for me? Is anyone here? My blood went cold when the thought someone writing this to me ran through my head. I could actually feel my heart drop. 

I took a step back, hands starting to shake at the way my mind pictured everything. I wondered from person to person, from relatives to stalkers. Maybe it was Chung-ae playing his dumb pranks on me again. 

Whatever part of this was supposed to be funny, it was not. I decided I was going to confront Chung-ae before his pranks become more creepy. 

I stood, still shook from the note, in the middle of the empty hallway. Confirming I'd wait for another minute before going back to classroom, my own assumptions about the encounter with the arm yesterday, the note the other day and the one today, grew more. 

I went through the day, hiding in my terror. The only time I was free from those incidents was when I came back home to see Jun Myeon passed out drunk on the couch. 

His cheeks flushed and he kept mumbling about missing his girlfriend, which was really adorable that I couldn't help but send a video to his girlfriend. 

She replied soon after I sent her the text, and mentioned she'd come see him the next day. 

Hours passed after that. 

[ Time - 11:57 pm ] 

What the heck?

I was supposed to be studying for an important test tomorrow, but my focus fluctuated between the depth of my textbook and the being who chose knives laid over his bed, across my house. 

Jungkook was going through knives , varying from length to sharpness. Just the scene looked spine-chilling, mostly when I could not figure out what he wanted to do with so many knives. 

If he was going to cut another apple, I'd probably go insane again.  

I hated spying on people, but this situation looked too curious for me. Jungkook gripped onto the smallest knie from my view, but dropped it back onto the bed. 

He reached for another one that was the longest and sharpest, and a pleased look painted over his face. The time was 11:58 now. 

The lights in his room turned off and I was quick to realize he left the room. Within a few seconds, Jungkook's front door opened and he stepped onto his porch. He was leaving.

What big work does he have at 12 in the midnight?

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