Wake up i know you can hear me. ch 1

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Thorn's P.O.V

I was awake, i knew that but i couldn't open my eyes, they felt heavy so i just layed there. After about 2 or 3 minutes i started to hear fain muffled voices; male or female i didn't know but they were voices, and i could hear the fain beep...beep of a heart monitor. I was in hospital, had my dad come home drunk again? Had i got in a car crash? I was still trying to regain my memory when i heard a voice, a lot clearer this time, it was male and sounded quite familiar.

"Wake up. Please. I know you can hear me, you're alive. Oh just please wake up" the voice said quite close to my ear.

I then heard an angry voice, and i knew who it was staight away it was one of my idols Tony Perry.

"This is all your fault Mike, if you hadn't insisted of driving whilst being intoxicated we wouldn't be here"

I let my eyes open slowly so they could ajust to the light and i saw something i never in my whole mind believed i would. My idols. Pierce The Veil. And as i look to my left i see MIke with red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"W-what happened" i managed to croak out.

Suddenly all 4 heads looked straight at me. There was a moment of silence befor Mike spoke up.

"I got a little tipsy and decided to drive. And hit you" his eyes stared to tear up "im so sorry. I really am i wasn't thinking straight".

I just nodded and smiled weakly "its okay, i know what drink can do to you" i said putting more emphasis on the 'i know' as i was refering to my dad.

It was silent again and i decided to break it "so when can i leave". This time Hime spoke up.

"You can leave now if you want, but you have to be careful because you injured your head" he smiled. And vic came up to me, to be honest my heart exploded because i just love him, not in a sexual way, just his personallity.

"Before you go will you tell up a bit about yourself?" He smiled and gestured to the rest of the guys.

I happily complied "my name is Thorn elizebeth, i am 19 years old and im a really big fan of you guys and other bands like that" i blushed at the last bit and looked down to my lap.

"Wll we have made an amazing first impression i think" Tony laughed and i couldnt help but laugh back.

Mike's P.O.V

I like Thorn, not in a relationship way but in a kind of way that a father would love their daughter. Im good at sensing things and i could tell there was definetly something big that Thorn was hiding.

"Well i guess it's time to get you home" i chirped. And Thorn's smiley face dropped to a very sad, depressed one and Vic noticed.

Vic held onto Thorns hands and i think everyone got the message as me, tone and Hime left the room.

Vic's P.O.V

Once everyone had left the room i looked into thorn's.. beautiful brown eyes and read them like a book, she didn't want to go home, something must be going on.

"Why dont you want to go hone Thorn?" i asked sighing.

She looked shocked but then her eyes started to water "m-my dad" she said quietly.

I nodded "yes. What about him" i squesed her hands tighter, already knowing the answer. "Thorn. What does he do to you?"

she looked down and slowly slipped off the bed. She lifted up her top to show many, many bruses, cuts, bite marks and hand marks.

"This is what he does" she said simply then lifting her top back down. I was very. Very angry and called in mike.

Mike's P.O.V

I was called in by Vic and he power walked over to me and whispered in my ear.

"You need to adopt

Thorn, her dad abuses her. Shes afraid to go home"

i was shoked to hear this and thaught about what i thaught about earlier 'in the kind of way a father would love their daughter'. This made me mad.

"Okay i will, you bring Thorn back to the house and i'll bring Tone with me to sort everything out, i will be gone for a while and might get results in about a week" Vic nodded.

Thorn's P.O.V

i watched Mike run out the room and grabbing Tony as he left. I have no idea what that was about, oh well. Vic told me that i was going to live with him and the guys for a while, maybe longer. Hes really confusing me.

*Time lapse 2 hours* Thorn's P.O.V

Me, Hime and Vic arived at the PTV house, it was huge much bigger than my one.

"So do ya like it" Hime said hugging me as we walked through the door.

"I love it, its so big" i smiled. Vic laughed.

"Whats so funny" i questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Thats what she said" Vic smirked, winking at me. And i know i shouldn't really say this but when Vic winked at me i felt things i've never felt before.

About 3 more hours passed and still no sign of Tony and Mike, me and Hime were wating t.v and Vic Tony and Mike burst in. "Its done. Its finally all done" Tony shouted.

Me and Hime were confused, mike came and crouched infront of me, to hold of my hands and said very softly

"How would you like to become my daughter". He smiled. Whilst the other guys stood there waiting for my answer.

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