3: Trouble

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Jennie's POV

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Jennie's POV

I leave my class and catch up with Lisa on my way to the canteen.

"Hey Jen! How was your class?" she asked.

"Awful... Utter nonsense" I sighed.

"Hahaa... I know you'll get better." She said trying to cheer me up.


"And, did you meet JK's Cousin?"

"No, not yet! I had classes since morning. Where is he?"

"Stop fooling around" She laughed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He literally walked out of your class just now" She said.

"What? He was in my class? Wait are you talking about the guy in full black and blonde hair?"

"Of course...?"

"Kim Taehyung? But he's a Kim? Jungkook is a Jeon... Ughh... Anyways so he's JK's cousin?" I said as if saying it out aloud would change the fact.

"You sound disappointed" She mocked.

"Yeah... I mean no. He's a math nerd apparently" I replied shadily.

We were already at the canteen and sat on our table. I noticed all our nearby tables were empty, and a crowd was gathered on the opposite side.

"What's up with all of them?" I asked.

"I have no idea and I'm least bothered."Lisa replied.

"Yeah, anyways what are your plans for the winter break?"

"I'm clueless, actually I have no plans, Maybe hibernate! What about you?" She started laughing.

"I'll join you or Maybe I'll fly back to New Zealand. I miss my mom & Kuma!"

"Wow Jen. That would be so fun for you!" Lisa exclaimed.

"And... You can come along with me! My mom misses you too!" I said. I knew Lisa missed her parents, she had lost both of them when she was quite young. She didn't like to talk about it much.

"Really? Of course, I would love to Jennie... But I'll go fetch our lunch first, BRB"

She went to give our order, I saw her at the counter. She stood there for sometime but turned sharply glaring at a nearby table. I couldn't see who sat there, a lot of people blocking the sight. And then, Bam! She cussed & leapt upon whoever was sitting there.

I rushed there, pushing the crowd & making my way through. Well I wasn't at all surprised when I saw a helpless Lisa pinned on the floor with JK on top of her.

"Get off me, you jerk" She yelled.

"Aww... Little flower. You really thought you could attack me, what a fool" JK said.

Lisa tried to throw punches but all in vain and JK kept teasing her.

"Jungkook get off her, Don't create a scene." I yelled gaining everybody's attention.

"She ain't going away today Jennie, she insulted me in front of everyone."

"And what about the nasty comments you made about me" Lisa said.

"Doesn't matter Jungkook. Get off her right now. Have some respect" I said yanking on to his shirt.

When suddenly I felt cold hands gripping my waist and pulling me back. Shivers ran down my body. I immediately freed myself from whoever it was and turned around. I got dumbstruck. It was Kim Taehyung.

How dare he!? 

"How about teaching your friend to respect JK instead? Or maybe I'll teach you both." He mocked with a smirk on his face.

My rage was at its peak. He's nobody to speak in my friends' matter & then insult me in front of the whole damn school. You are so not going away with it.

"You, a first day noob who walked into our school in the mid of an incomplete semester , You Fils de Salope hold no status for having any say in our business!" I was outrageous and breathing heavily. My face had most probably turned red. 

After a short while of silence he smirked and mockingly raised both of his hands mid air, "Wow, I'm scared. You're like a wild cat, seriously" This caused everybody to laugh at me.

"What a fucking jerk!" I spat. But before he could answer, Jungkook jumped in between us and said-

"Hey you guys! Cool down. It's no big deal. I and barbie face have mended already."

"Jen, It's okay. Calm down" Lisa said.

I didn't mind whatever shit Lisa or Jungkook said, I was offended, for real. 

"Jennie, Meet Kim Taehyung, my cousin. I don't suppose you have met him earlier." JK said, clearly trying to cool the surroundings a bit.

"Your cousin or a dickhead. See If I care." Saying that, I stormed out of the canteen.
I could hear chuckles, I couldn't believe what just happened.

My friend was being bullied and all I did was stand up for her and then a freak butts in, and somehow I ended up being a joke?

Kim Taehyung is going to be trouble, I can sense it.

Taehyung hard stan or soft stan or both?

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Taehyung hard stan or soft stan or both?

Taehyung hard stan or soft stan or both?

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