14: Unknown

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Jennie's POV

I woke up & it was literally 12:35pm. Thank god vacation started. I got up to 135 messages on my phone but the most shocking one was an unknown number.

Unknown- Hope you're doing fine. It's Taehyung.

I replied a simple Yes & thank you. Maybe Mino told him.

Other one was from Mino.

And then comes the group chat.


LISA- Wassup Jennie unnie, I saw you & Mino hugging yesterday. Yeah... What is up, what is up?😏🧐

JISOO- Shut up Lisa, u know she wasn't well yesterday.

ROSÉ - YASS unnie, how r ya?

JISOO- Hope you're fine, We have a big voyage ahead.

LISA- ya JenJen... Take care of ya fragile body.

ROSÉ - Fighting!!!

JISOO- You aren't answering calls.

Ahh these dorks are so sweet for taking care of me.

Me- Hey girlies! I'M BETTER THAN EVER today. It was just lack of sleep. And I'm absolutely ready for the upcoming trip.

LISA- that's good to hear unnie and also we all shopped on ur behalf, so don't worry.

Me -Thanks See ya'll


I feel better now. Maybe I should give a call to Mom. She is acting strange for past few days now. She isn't asking a lot many questions. And is agreeing with almost everything that I say, I wonder if she's okay.

I'll contact her everyday even when I'm in England.

*Phone beeps*
1 message.

Taehyung- I think it's time for you to learn some self defense.

Me- you don't tell me what to do.

I think Mino told him about the attack yesterday.

Taehyung- That's rude PRINCESS
See, just one day I wasn't with you & you got attacked.

Me- Stop calling me princess, Plus I felt so relieved yesterday for not seeing your face.

Okay I accept that was a lie. My eyes did involuntarily search for him yesterday.

Taehyung- Ok

What? A simple ok. He didn't even protest. Or maybe I was a bit too harsh. He's looking out for me even when he wasn't present yesterday. I feel guilty.

Me-Where were you anyways?

Taehyung- Somewhere you don't need to know.

He's again back to his signature cold blunt personality.

Me- Whateva.

The message was seen instantly but there was no reply. I don't care. He can't treat me like trash and expect me to be all okie dokie with it. I'm no hussy that would fall for his exceptionally undeniable charms.

Wait! What did I just think!?

This boy messes up with my head so bad.

I also received a text from Mino a while after & we chatted for almost 1 hour until I got hungry and went to have lunch. We talked about random stuff and what we would do once we reach England.

He seems really sweet and has got a definitely caring personality.

In contrary to Taehyung. That boy, I don't even know. Why do I keep thinking about him even when I don't want to.


I apologise for such a short chapter.

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