22: Good Night

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Jennie's POV

I tried to open my eyes but was blinded the next second by the intense sun rays coming from my left. I tried to get up but my head felt heavy & I felt hands supporting me to sit. I rubbed my eyes & tried to gain back my long lost senses.

"How do you feel? You remember me right?"

"Oh Agatha! I feel better. So did I pass out last night?"

"Yes miss,You had a pathetic condition & it's a matter of stress, anxiety & uneasiness. Also if you're hungry, I'll get you whatever you want, you're weak now plus it's 2 o' clock already"

" Holy lord! I have been sleeping forever"

"Don't mind that miss,You needed that. Tell me what you want to eat and after that your friends want to meet you"

"Oh get me anything, I'm starving"

Agatha left the room. I tried to get up from my bed and got fresh. I looked in the mirror.

"miserable" I said to myself after looking at my pale skin and entangled mass of hair. not to forget the horrid dark circles.

I got refreshed. Yesterday's incident was still messing up with my head. I had my brunch. It felt good now.

Mino came after a short while.

"You're fragile like a rose petal Jennie" He said.

I didn't know what to say. That was embarrassing though.

"I carried you like a little baby up to your bed" He added.

what? He carried me? Oh no! obviously somebody must have carried me to my room & Mino was the last person I was with.My flushed face was evident to show my embarrassment to him.So he just laughed it off.

"Don't worry, beautiful, You'll get better soon. I won't bother you anymore" He said.

And before he was going to leave, I told him. 

"Mino...Umm...Thank you" I said.

"Goodbye sweetheart" He said & left.

After that all of my friends came by asking about my health & stuff. I also received some good scolding from them. I love those cuties so much for being concerned.

After a while of leaving me alone, I heard a knock on my door again. 

"Yahh...Get in" I said.

"Hello" A low voice said.

It was Irene & the maid? Marie was her name.

I got up from my bed and said,
"Oh hello"

"Jennie, I hope you're doing well now"

"Yes, I am. Thank you for stopping by."

"Oh yes sure. Marie wants to thank you"

I looked at the young maid who was still looking at the floor.

"Umm...I just wanted to Thank you Miss, You're really sweet. If you hadn't said something on behalf of me then I could have been fired from the job. Thank you miss"
The maid said this time looking at me smiling sincerely.

"Oh no no, It's totally okay and I know it wasn't your fault" I replied.

"Also Jennie..." Irene reluctantly said.

"I wanted to apologize on behalf of my sister, Nancy. I think you know too that she was the one who caused the trouble last night"

I looked at her wide eyed. So she knew.

"It's just that...Umm she wanted that dress" She said

"What dress?"

"the one you wore yesterday. She chose it for herself but it turned out to be yours"

"I don't understand, I didn't even choose that dress. It was just brought to me, also I don't know who made it"

"It was made by our royal tailor, All of yours & your friends' measurements were already taken & gowns were made for each one of you. But the one which was made for you caught Nancy's attention & she wanted that but she wasn't able to get it. So..."She said.

So she spilled a chocolate smoothie on me. now I understand. Nancy isn't only a bitch, she's a jealous bitch.

"I have given my apologies, So I shall get going now. Goodbye. We'll see you soon" And saying that both Irene & Marie left.

I got carried away along with my thoughts. I was thinking about mom, I can't call her now or she'll start panicking. Maybe sometime later when I actually feel better.

I hear a knock again. Oh! I'm so tired. But before I could say anything. The door swung open and a person came in.

"You fragile little baby" Taehyung said.

"Shut the hell up"

"Why? Can't I just state facts" He said.

He was clearly trying to annoy me. He doesn't give a shit about me or my health.

"Well if we look deeply. Whatever happened to me was because of you" I replied.

"What do you mean?"

"You were the one who asked me to show up early , I spent so much time wandering around like a fool with no sign of you and your favourite bitchy little sister only made everything worse" I was practically screaming at him now.

Suddenly a weird silence fell over the room. He started moving towards me. Was he mad? Of course duh! I called his sister bitchy right in front of him? I'm so screwed up now.

He pressed me against one of the walls which created a thud sound. My back hurt. I could feel his warm breath against my cheeks as he leaned over me because he was fairly taller than me.

"Don't raise your voice at me ever again. Do you understand that?" He said in a low voice.

I stared into his eyes which had no shade but were opaque black now. I involuntarily nodded after his expression.

He stroked his icy cold fingers against my cheek. My legs suddenly felt weakened as all of my urge to shout at him suddenly faded away. I felt much more comforted.

Then he embraced me in his arms, I felt the warmth flowing down from his body to mine then he lifted me up in bridal style and walked towards my bed. It was wrong but I didn't want it to stop, he gently laid me on my soft bed.

Again the uneasy cold crept inside after getting separated from him. I snuggled in my bed and got the blanket over me.

"Goodnight Princess" Those were the last words I heard as I felt my eyelids getting heavier and I slowly drifted to sleep.

A peaceful warm sleep.

A peaceful warm sleep

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