11: Step Brother

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Jennie's POV

I saw a person shooting daggers with their eyes in my direction. I giggled a bit. It was Taehyung, I wonder when he came here and for how long has he been watching us like a creep?

"What happened?" Mino asked.

"Nothing much."I replied.

"You, tired?"

"Yeah, I think so."

No, no I'm not. Please dance with me.

"Ok, lets get some drinks then."


Okay, it's fine.

We went towards the bar, Jisoo & Rosé were ordering their drinks.

"Hey girls! Meet Mino" I introduced.

Rosé and Jisoo-"Hello"

"The famous Blackpink, where is the other one, Lisa?" Mino said.

Jisoo- "She's somewhere there" She pointed across the bar.

That's when an annoying voice spoke,

"Ahh... I thought, you were better than this."
Taehyung said with a smug look, but wait whom is he talking to and whom is he pointing at!?

"I'm the best that is exactly why I'm with Jennie." Mino replied just with the same sass.

My face must have turned dark red then.

"Why do you care anyways?" I snapped at him.

"How rude! I care for my brother, princess!" He said.

"Stop calling me that" I said scrunching my nose.
"Wait, What?" I gasped.

"Step Brother, duh!" Mino said.

"You are Taehyung's brother? Or step brother or whatever? I said in disbelief and Mino nodded.
"That means you're JK's cousin too?"

"Yes Jennie, I thought you knew." He said.

"Well, I didn't." I could feel myself as a doltish.

A self note : The first thing to do after the party is to prepare a list of JK's never known brothers.

By that time everyone gathered near the bar. Everyone was drinking, talking, laughing, dancing in short enjoying.

And now I'm sure, something is really up with Jisoo and Jin. Rosé seems to have a little crush on Jimin but maybe she's too shy to tell, But they're still sitting so close to one another. And Lisa doesn't seem to hate JK much,But they're still passing nasty comments to each other.

My eyes met Mino's. "You're beautiful" He lip synced.
"I know" I lip synced back and he pouted in returned.

That's when Mino raised his glass, "So a special toast for our winners."

"Cheers!" Everyone said.

Only if everyday could be this fun.

"Wanna dance?" Taehyung asked. He keeps appearing out of nowhere.

"Find someone who's better" I replied bluntly.

"Found" And saying that he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the dance floor.

Gosh! Why is everyone dragging me like this.

"Let go off me" I said. But his grip only tightened.

We were right in the middle of the dancefloor. Even the spotlight was on us, God why me?

He kept both of his hands on my waist, I hesitant at first but eventually put my hands on his shoulders.

Both of our eyes met, His gaze was so intense, sensational to be specific. It felt like he was staring right into my soul.

His every facial feature is a perfection. Our bodies were already moving, perfect with the beats. Hating to admit it, but that felt nice. There was no stress of being perfect, I was just enjoying the moment.

He lowered himself near my ears and whispered-
"Stay away from me"

"What?"I was puzzled. He let me go and said.

"Stay away because You're too toxic for me, princess" And saying that, he left.

He simply left, like it was normal. Like he could just say that to me. Like he could make my heart race. Like he could just play with me like that.

I was still processing what just happened. There were a mixture of feelings. How can he be so cocky at one time and be so caring the another.

"Jennie! come join us" Others called out.

"I'm coming"

Feelings due for some other day. I'm enjoying myself now.

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