40: The Plan

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Never have I ever felt this jealous of a dog T^T
*silently prays to reincarnate as Tae's pet dog*

Jennie's POV

"Don't tell me that worried look on your face is because Nancy walked into both of yours make out session..." Lisa giggled. 

"Shut it Lily, It's not funny..."

"Welp, I don't know why you find it 'not funny' when it's clearly so funny" She laughed more.

I gave her a threatening but more like a questioning look.

"Oh c'mon everyone knows Nancy is a desperate bitch. I mean who cares about Nancy? She was dying to get laid, she kept throwing herself at V. And they never did anything more than kissing so..."

"Wait, haven't they...?"

"What? Have sex? Ofcourse not. Taehyung always used compulsion to make her believe they did something...All to protect you by the way. Nobody can know about your relationship with Taehyung until you're 21..." Lisa said.  "And he's using compulsion again to deal with that dull witted frog"

Both of us burst into a laughter after hearing Lisa's last words. 

"But compulsion doesn't work on Vampires..." I said still confused.

"It does, it's just that not all vampires can do it to others vampires. Only the purebloods..."

"So Taehyung is a pureblood?"

"You didn't know?" She asked with her wide eyes staring at me.

"Um...Well you see, I have like thousands of years of catching up to do in a single day. can you blame me?"

"Let me tell you then..."Lisa proceeded. "Pure bloods are the original vampires, they were made by some sort of witch. Taehyung's family, his ancestors were all purebloods but many of them got killed by the rivalry with other half-blood vampires or werewolves who questioned their power. But Taehyung's father and your father, they managed to settle matters and declare peace Both of them ruled Cambridge Falls but then... I guess you know things after that" She halted.

"Hmm...I do" I gave her a half smile.

"Indeed and for now, Taehyung and his mother are the only pure bloods of the Kim family"

That made me feel guilty so I asked,

"But I'm a human. How am I gonna continue the line. I'm not even a vampire and being a pure blood is still a far sight"

"Um... You see Jennie. There are somethings which you still Don't know about..."


"Enough..." Taehyung came almost blasting the door open.

"Umm... I mean enough gossip girlies. We got stuff to do"

He's being fishy.

"So...?" I asked him.

"So...??" He asked me back.

"Is everything okay?" I asked in a low voice.

"You doubt?" He said flashing his charming boxy smile.

Heart throb T^T

"ok... Let's go" He said. As we all moved outside.

"Oh , not you princess" He said pointing at me.

"what, why?" I protested.

"We have business to discuss"

"But I-"

"Jen, I'll be back okay?" Lisa said throwing me a smile as well.

And before I could say anything else, the door was shut on my face.

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