17: Cambridge Falls

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Jennie's POV

"Wake up."
A soft voice said.

Just 5 more minutes"

I don't want to wake up.

"You can sleep when we reach home, Just wake up now"

We reach home? But we are already at home.
I struggled to open my eyelids because the light was blinding.

Oops, oh, okay!
I was on a plane, I mean I still am. I had fallen asleep while I was reading. I don't even remember for how long I have been sleeping.
I saw V looking at me with amused eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"You're a baby"

"Excuse me!!"

"Haaha... We'll be landing in a few minutes, it was announced but you were deep asleep"

"Ok thanks! But don't call me a baby" I mumbled the last six words. So I think he didn't really listen.

We fixed our seat belts, I always thought landing was scarier than taking off. I was feeling uneasy this time . Maybe it was because I had just woken up and was not completely in my senses.

The flight landed, It took me some time to restore my senses. I was gasping for air and breathing heavily. I could feel hands rubbing my back. I saw V with a concerned look.

"Are you okay Jennie?"

I was gaining my senses back, I realised I had grasped V's arm the entire time. I was so terrified.

"I'm, thank you"

"Try to stand up"

He then gently grabbed my waist helping me to stand up, I couldn't feel his touch because of the dress. But his hold was tight and firm.

I stood up, he let go off me. I looked at his face. The concerned look was no more there, in its place was the usual emotionless stone face, which I personally hated.

He actually cares for people but doesn't admit it. Weird.

"I asked you to close your mouth, while thinking" He said giving me a smirk.

Shit! Fuck! Was I gawking again. He's an asshole.

I walked past him, we all reunited again outside the airport.

Everyone seemed pretty tired and half asleep.

"Hope you had a good journey" Mino said.

"I did" I replied with a smile.

"Okay, so let us get into our cars and get going, It's already late" Mino announced.

He led the way and there stood three Boss 429. Everybody was clearly impressed and I was beyond that. It's already so fun, they're really good at hospitality.

We all got into the cars, Lisa, Jk, Mino, V and I were together.

"I haven't been here for so long, I have almost forgotten how your house looks." JK said.

I was listening to everything they were talking about very intently, because it is not wrong to say that I knew nothing about the cousin brothers, In fact I came to know about their existence just last week.

"You seem fine now." V said catching my attention, I was sitting between Lisa and V.

"Yrah, And also thanks for looking out for me." I was truly Thankful.

"It's okay"

"How long have we got?"

"It's in the outskirts, you'll have to wait"


A vacation in the outskirts? That's absolutely awesome!

"You like outskirts" He was supposed to sound like asking a question, but rather he sounded like he was sure I did.

"Yes, I love them... A lot. They're close to nature and far, far away from busy life"

"I know, they're beautiful"

"So were you like born there?"

"Yes, Cambridge Falls is my hometown."

"Cambridge Falls?" I asked.

"Yeah but to be clear It's not the Cambridge famous for universities" He replied.

"yaa... But it is one of the most beautiful city you'll ever come across in England" Mino said, He was looking at me through the back view mirror and gave me a wink. I surely blushed.

"Then it must be so amazing" Lisa said.

"Indeed, little flower. More beautiful than Korea and even Thailand" JK teased.

"Nobody asked you." Lisa snapped back.

I simply indulged myself in the captivating view outside. The silhouette of the skyline & skyscrapers were slowly fading and scenic beauty was getting more dominating.

"You're going to like it." V said, his perfect pale skin blazing in the light of the extensive yellow- orange shade of the setting sun.

My eyes were involuntarily checking out all his facial features.

He's so fanciable.

I smiled slightly at his words. I was too indulged in the beauty of, not the scenes, but him.


Jennie is falling ;)

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