21: Accident

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Jennie's POV

We passed about two halls or so. I was feeling a little dizzy after the entire day's travelling & I did not get proper sleep either. My head felt heavy, my eyes were barely keeping open but that did not prevent me from admiring the perfect dining room present before me.

It was a grand space, to say the least. The huge mahogany table took up most of the vast space the dark, romantic room offered, left without a tablecloth and daring guests to ruin the perfectly varnished shine with their fingerprints.

Two tall, silver candelabra commanded attention from the center of the table, holding smooth white candles whose wax never dropped. And further there were two huge chandeliers on the roof, it was like a thing for royal houses.

I was surprised to see that all of my friends were already seated & I'm late even after getting ready one hour earlier.

"Let's go Jennie, You'll sit beside Irene" Mino said.

I sat beside Irene on her left & on her right sat Lisa. There was an empty seat on my left side. Mino sat across me. To my surprise Taehyung and the bitchy sister were still nowhere to be seen. We chatted for sometime, it could have been great but today I was just not feeling like it.

"I would like to have all of your attention young ones, The queen & Lord Taehyung will enter after a few minutes." An old elderly maid said.

We all stood up in order to show respect and after a brief amount of time, A lady entered, Oh I know her! I had seen her in the family portrait. But how in the world was she still so young ?

She looked like she hadn't aged a day. She looked just the same, just as gorgeous & captivating. Behind her were Taehyung & Nancy.

"I'm so glad to have you all here. It has been ages since I have seen kids with young & enthusiastic blood" The lady said.

It was weird, whatever she said and meant by it.

We all gave faint smiles after her address. Everyone felt a bit awkward. I could see a boxy smile on Taehyung's face, OML! Those two dorks are still whispering to each other and smiling.

"You can sit now" A soft voice said, It was Irene. I immediately sat, Everyone had already sat & looks like I was too drowned in my thoughts. Again!

The bitch started walking towards me, Oh hell no, not beside me please god!

Dang it. She took the empty seat beside me. I hope she doesn't do anything bitchy.

"So you all can call me Yuri and yeah I would love to go shopping with you girls." The queen said as she gave a wink to us.

She seems so cool. A dream mom, I thought.

We were served dinner shortly after. I had eaten all the dishes that were served at least once in my life but I don't remember them being this delicious. My tummy was contented.

We were asked what we would like in sweet & they told us that we could literally get anything we would like. I asked for a milk ice cream, my all time favourite & Mino asked for the same too.

"I have never tried a milk ice-cream, But I believe since it's your choice it has to be good" He said.

I blushed and gave him a smile.

"Well I doubt that"  Yes, it was Nancy.

"Shut up Nancy" Irene said.

I would love to see a sister vs sister fight right here. I hope Irene rips the Nancy's tongue out.

We all got our deserts except for the Nancy & V whose orders were the same, they asked for dark chocolate smoothie. We all were enjoying our deserts.

One servant served the drink to Taehyung who sat across Nancy & then the maid served the drink to Nancy, but wait that is how it was supposed to happen but no lovelies, this is what happened-

That drink before landing on the table got knocked down right on me. YES! I was drenched with dark chocolate smoothie. It got spilled all over the beautiful dress, on my face & everywhere.

I felt weakened because if that was an accident, I would have never mind it. But was that an accident? No.

Before the commotion, I saw Nancy jab the servant while she was about to serve the drink which knocked the drink over me. Just when I was about to scream my throat out at her,

"What is this Marie, How dare you do that to our guest?" Yuri roared. I wouldn't like to see her like that, she's scary.

I felt bad for the maid, Marie. It wasn't even her fault. And I think she can't even say anything in her defence, so I did instead.

"No, it's okay. I mean I guess it was an accident. I'll leave now. Thank you, I had a great time" I replied & gave an assured look to Marie who looked much humiliated, I saw Nancy eyeing at Taehyung and smirking.

And to Nancy, I'm so gonna give it back to her.

Before I headed out, Mino said-

"My apologies Jennie. I'll send two maids to help you clean up and mother I'll take my leave too"

I waved a goodbye at the girls who asked me to take care of myself.

Mino and I departed after that. I got washed with the help of two other maids & changed into some PJ's. That beautiful dress got ruined cause the stains wouldn't go. I felt sad now.

I saw Mino standing near the staircase.

"I'm sorry for what happened Jennie. Maybe you should go back & take some rest. I'll come with you"

"Yeah, I really need some rest" I replied, I was very tired by now.

We started walking up the staircase & Mino chatted about the plans that he had made for the upcoming days. But unfortunately I could barely pay attention to anything at that time.

My dizziness had heightened then. I could feel my world swirling, I stumbled at some steps but then my entire world went dark.

And then I blanked out.

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