12: England?

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Taehyung's POV

"We have to return back, it's important. Mother needs us" Mino said.

"Yes I know, But I can't leave her alone here" She isn't safe here, she must stay around me.

"I see, what can be done then? How about if she comes along with us?" Mino suggested.

"And what makes you think she'll agree? Your charms, huh?" I busted back. She would never come with us.

"Well surely, but Jackass Winter break is soon, if all of her friends come along. She'll too" Mino said.

"Ok that's quite plausible, Glad to know that the last two brain cells left are still working. I'll contact JK."

That was indeed a good idea.

Jennie's POV

"What do you think?" Jisoo asked.

"I honestly wanted to go back to New Zealand. I miss my mom. But even my mom is insisting since JK's mother gave a call to her" I said.

"But England during winters is beautiful, I have always wanted to go there at least once" Rosé seemed excited.

"Ya! But it's not like a girls trip. The jerks are coming too" Lisa said.

"Ya but we have to admit. It's only because of Taehyung and Mino that we will get a chance to visit England" Jisoo said.

"Yass it was so nice of them to offer. I'm so excited." Rosé said.

I was lost deep in my thoughts, contemplating whether it would be wise to go to England or not.

England is my birth place and also where my father died after he left us. My mother has so many bittersweet memories about England.

But why in the world is she insisting me to go back there too?

I had no complaints about visiting England, in fact it would be so nice to go back to my birth place.

But I miss my mom so bad, I want to visit her, spend time with her, know how she is doing since she is all alone. I haven't seen her for ages.

But then she's the one insisting me to go to England.

"Jen...Jen! Jennie!?" Lisa shouted.

"Oh my... what's wrong?" I was a bit startled.

"Why do you keep losing yourself in your fantasy world. We were asking are you up for it or not?"
Lisa asked, they were all looking at me with puppy eyes.

"yes!" I replied.

"Hurray! It's going to be so much fun" BP said.

But first I must call my mom and make sure if she's really ok with me going back to England or not.

But I really wanna go there too.

*later that evening*

"Hello? Hello? OK fine you braindead, I'm reporting you right away"

I was so annoyed now, I have received atleast 50 calls from this unknown number & whenever I answer it's all vacuum. This is probably a stupid prank.

"Hey! Don't" Just when I was about to hang up, Somebody spoke.

"Ahh you boofhead! What is it now? I'm reporting you, that's for sure"

"Aww... You are such a grumpy little baby Nini"

"What in the world! Who the fuck are you & how do you know my freaking pet name?"

Honesty I was so creeped out, That name, how come anybody knows that. It is only known to my mom & Lisa.

Wait, is it Lisa? Nahh dumb, the voice is too manly for Lisa.

"Calm down, Jeez, I'm surely not a stalker or a serial killer"

"Hold up. Let me report you to the cops" I threatened.

"Aww...you must be looking so cute right now"

But wait, Do I know this voice?

"Taehyung, Is it you?"

"Nah beautiful, it's me"


"Ouch Jennie! You hurt me, How could you not recognize my voice?"

"First of all it wasn't even funny and sorry lol. I just freaked out and got annoyed! I thought only Taehyung could do such stupid things but it seems his brother isn't any better."

"Nuu... I'm the best. I just like teasing you. Well anyways, since after a long time of persuading, you have finally agreed to come to England with us. How about going shopping tomorrow. I'm sure you'll need to buy some warm clothes, England's winters are freezing"

Well that's cute.

"You'll be the first ever boy to ask a girl to go out for shopping. Can my friends come too?"

"Obviously they can... I mean they already knew about the plans and.... Ohhh.. Wait, did you think it's only gonna be us?"

Oh god! Why did I even ask that. I mean since we are all going, we all need to buy the damn clothes! Now I have just embarrassed myself.

" Uh-No. I - "

"Well Beautiful, sorry to disappoint you, But next time it would be just you & me. Good night for now"

"Yeah good night"

I was again left alone in my room with my thoughts. I think he's cute, am I crushing over him or what?

The way he speaks always gets butterflies in my stomach.

Taehyung's POV

"What did she say?" I asked

"She'll be there tomorrow." Mino said. "But She's so cute and sweet bro!"

"I know and shut up!"

"okay! Gosh. So are you coming tomorrow?"

"Nahh, I have other things to take care of"

"Ok busy brother, off you go. I'll see you then" And saying that Mino started walking towards the door.

"Wait Mino." He turned and looked at me with a questioning face.

"Take care of her, she is danger every moment"

"I know Tae. And yes I will, it's a very big responsibility you have given me. I respect it" He said.

"Good night"

She needs to be protected, at any cost.

SPOILER- The real drama starts after they get to England.

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