41: Plan Change

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Jennie's POV

I checked my bag for one last time to ensure that I have packed all of my stuff. I checked on each and every attire that Taehyung had given me and all his little gifts, Also I checked on the Gucci rings for at least 3 times.

I laughed at my own silliness and wondered how can someone change me so much and I just concluded, I am truly, deeply and madly in love with Taehyung.

When I stood in front of my mirror, my attention went on to the the antique, artisanal pendant around my neck and I recalled the events of the night before,

I was gently shaken to wake up, I remember rubbing my eyes and whining then cold, gentle hands running around my cheeks. I opened my eyes to find the most angelic face I could ever imagine

"Happy Birthday princess, In advance actually" He said but I was too indulged in his mesmerising eyes. He left out a small chuckle and I gained back my senses.

"Ahem... Thank you Tae. What time is it?"

"Some minutes past 2 a.m. but come over here... I wanna show you something" He said and went to the balcony.

I saw him gazing at the sky, I moved beside him and entangled my hands with his.

"The moon is beautiful just like always" He said and then shifted his gaze at me.

"You'll have to leave today"

"Why? No. I am not going anywhere" I protested.

"Mhmm baby, Listen..." He cupped my cheeks and looked directly into my eyes.

"You'll have to go because it isn't safe here, Tomorrow is your birthday which means today is the most dangerous of all. The enemy will try their best to... You understand?"

"But you'll protect me right? You have done it all along."

"Yes, I will princess. I always will but the enemy will try their best to bring you down today... You'll have to... You understand me?"

I was slowly losing my will to protest, I didn't understand what he was trying to do, I wasn't even acquainted with his plans but I unwillingly nodded a yes at him.

"Good..." Then he let me go but I felt a bit dizzy after that.

He then moved behind me and before I could turn, I felt something cold sliding around my neck, I looked down to find a beautiful pendant. I touched it and it was just so cold.

"This is our family pendent which is passed after generations. It should belong to my mom but she lost it the second she did the second-marriage" I thought, he gritted his teeth while saying that.

"But this belongs to you now..."

I smiled at him and said.

"I love you Taehyung"

"I love you too princess..."

A knock on the door brought me back into reality and I realised that the entire time I was smiling like an idiot and the muscles of my cheek had started to hurt. More knocks were heard.

"Oh yes, Come in..."

"Are you set Miss? I'll take the bags"

"Oh, Thank you Agatha!"

I glanced at the room for one last time and went outside. All of my friends were packed too. All they knew was that we were going back home but I was going to New Zealand first.

Mino caught up with me.

"Where's Tae?"

"He isn't here, I suppose you both have already bade goodbyes?"

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