25: Incest

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*After Party*

Taehyung's POV

"What do you mean you killed him?" Mino was going crazy.

"That means I fucking ripped his heart out of his chest" I replied.

"But Taehyung..."

"There is no but when it comes to Jennie. That bastard kept following her & reached the private party? And to worsen it, Jennie even saw him"

"Ok I see, you said he was a special kind?"

"Not really a special kind , he was just specially made to look for Jennie & report this to his master, once he would succeed in his mission he would have been killed by his master anyways."

"That means, he's not the only one. There can be more such specially made"

"Certainly, You can go now"

"You want me to check up on her?"

"No,not today... I'll do that myself"

"Sure,Take care brother"

I knew what I did was wrong, I should have let that Vampire speak his last words in defense. But he could have hurt her, What I did was right. I fid it for her. I still have to find the vampire who's behind all this and time is barely on my side.

Before I could leave to check up on Jennie, Nancy came by.

"Hello V, How are you?" She said walking up to me.

"Nancy! So far so good"

"Hmmm...you know I was worried about you, I mean you abruptly left that party. We didn't even get to spend our special time"

She was coming closer to me and stood right in front of me.

"Ahh... No, Look...Nancy you...I have to go now. Save everything for later, please"

"What is wrong V? Why are you acting like this? You love me right? And I love you more than anything else in this world"

And before I could say anything else, She locked her lips into mine.

Jennie's POV

I was laying on my bed, thinking about the feelings that I have avoided all along. Tonight was great.

I have been thinking about Taehyung for a while now. From the day I met him, I pretended & even tried to hate him but that never worked. He was such a jerk to me always but at the same time so caring and thoughtful.

His every touch & embrace is soothing not only to my body but to my soul. I always feel his body's warmth that makes me all cozy.

How do I fight my feelings now? I don't remember how all this happened? When this happened? When did I fall for him? My ignorance was never genuine. Am I really falling for him?

I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Get in please"

"Good evening Miss, Everything all right here?"

"Good evening Agatha. Everything's good. Actually I'll be right back. I have some business with Taehyung."

"Sure miss, But He's in his study"

I thought that it would be fair to go Thank him for everything he did. Atleast that was what I could do for now since I have always been so rude with him, most of the times for no reason.

I hopped down the stairs,I was feeling very happy. It truly felt nice to have someone to take care of you at times of distress. It took me sometime to find the study as I wasn't well acquainted with that gigantic mansion.

As I was walking towards the room, I could hear vague voices, I could bet one of that was Taehyung's & other was more feminine like. I was about to knock on the door but the door was actually left ajar and the scene that I saw left my heart shattered, I felt a big lump in my throat like when you dry swallow a pill, my entire body got weakened, my eyes got watery ,all of my happiness just a moment ago was drenched with pain & sorrow.

I saw Nancy and Taehyung making out, Nancy laid on the office desk & Taehyung was shirtless. Their intention was clear, they weren't just siblings or half siblings. incest.

I could no longer handle that, I hurriedly ran towards the stairs but almost knocked down a vase but luckily it got saved. I ran back into my room and locked the door, tears started rolling down my cheeks. My body was heated and I was broken.

I have no right on him. And I just got there to say him a thank you. I don't own him. He's not mine. I have no right to get hurt!

Why can't I have any right on him? I just got there to say a thank you but it meant so much more.Why can't I own him,Why can't he be mine?Yes I am hurt.

I was trying my level best to shut up, but the tears just won't stop.

"Miss, Are you there, Are you okay?"

I got a bit startled after that. I was constantly getting hiccups but I managed to say-

"Alright Agatha. I just want to have some rest"

"Okay, Good night miss"

There is no way it's a good night. But I'll have to accept it, Taehyung can never be mine. How foolish of me to even think of it that way.

My heart & eyes felt heavy after all the reasonless crying and pain and I slowly drifted to an uneasy slumber.


Ps - Hyunsuk is the biological father of Nancy , Irene and Mino. But YuRi is not their biological mother. This makes Irene and Taehyung step siblings and they're not blood related. Don't let the title of the chapter mislead you. 

A/N : This part might be offensive to some readers

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A/N : This part might be offensive to some readers. I'm sorry as I didn't mean any offense to anyone. Everyone has their own beliefs about what's right or wrong which I thoroughly respect. Please do not hate. 

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