Answers I Knew

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Jaylen's Pov

The next morning I took a shower and put on some jogging pants,a plain fitted shirt and my jordans and put my hair in a 2 braids.I aint even go lie was prepared to fight because if I dont get a good answer from her I'm beating her ass.

"Baby I'm about to drop Zayden off"Chris said,I nodded walking to Zayden giving him a big hug and kiss

"Well damn,You ready aint you"I laughed

"Shut up"I said

"I'm going to see you later,ok Zay?"He nodded smiling ,I kissed his cheek one more time before letting him go with Chris

Alonna was already on her way with Ty and Shad
,I just fixed me something to eat until Chris came back. Once Alonna and Ty got here we got in Chris car and left.


When we pulled up I told Chris and them to stay in the car while me and Alonna went inside,I didnt wanna give her a hint I knew about her snake ass.I knocked on the door and she answered a few seconds later.

"Hey Jay"She said looking surprised

"Hey can we come one need to talk"She looked inside the house before opening the door all the way letting us in,I sat on the couch taking off my cross body bag while Alonna just stood up

"So what's you,why you tell me you were coming "She asked,I shrugged

"I dont know,I met with my lawyer the other day and he told me Darius was bailed out"She looked nervous

"Really,Thats crazy"I leaned up and rubbed my temples

"Oh that ain't the crazy part,The bail ticket is signed by you"She shook her head

"Care to explain?"Alonna said

"Lonna please "I said,She nodded

"Look Jaylen,Im sorry and it was fucked up what happed to you but you can't put the entire blame on him,He already told me y'all would fight and he would always walk away"She said

"Oh so him beating my ass wasn't his fault,Him taking the life of my unborn child wasnt his fault either huh"She smacked her lips

"You the one who made him mad tho Jay and you can't sit here and lie and say you don't start with him,I seen the shit myself"She said

"Bitch are you stupid ,I'm yo fucking sister and this nigga almost killed me,I never even attempted to my hands on his ass but it's crazy how you only know his side and took it"I said,I felt my body just fuming wanting to punch her in her shit  .

"You sick bitch,I bet he was fucking you too"Alonna said,She shrugged

"Why is she even here,this don't got shit to do with you"Latrice said point to Alonna

"I'm here because that's my sister the fuck,you a snake hoe"Alonna said I stiff up getting in between them,Latrice rolled her eyes

"Anyway you can't get mad Jay you really don't have a reason to,He was always coming to me telling me all the fucked you shit you did to him "I smirked and stood up

"I should have already known yall was fucking because of how you acted when he was around but im not even mad about that,Im mad at the fact that my own fucking sister taking the side of a bogus ass nigga"She shook her head

"See the only person who think I'm taking a side is you,I already told him how fucked up the whole situation was,I said both of y'all were in the wrong l,You didnt deserve him Jay,you was still stuck on Chris so why you putting up this front like you really give a fuck"She said before folding her arms

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