Translation Games: One Earth by @painebook - The Original

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That's right, the translation games are back. This time, with a wonderful Drabble by JB Durbin, written in English. Thanks to him and all the translators for playing!

One Earth

By painebook

Lights flash outside my tent. Pulling back the flap I see a little grey man standing there.

"What's up, dude?"

"My people travel the universe granting wishes. What is your wish?"

"It can be anything?" My head hurts from the tequila I drank to help me sleep. "How about peace? One Earth, free from poverty, conflict, politics, war."


I fall asleep.

Waking, my head throbs as I pack up camp and drive off the mountain. There is no traffic, I turn on the radio. All I get is static.

Entering my hometown, I notice all the people are gone.

- Alien Spaceship by Liam (8) -

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- Alien Spaceship by Liam (8) -

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