Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

When I woke up I kept my eyes closed to attempt to keep the illusion that it had all been a dream. But I knew this bed was too big, the sheets to soft. I knew I was not home.

"Wake up," A voice growled as they barged through my door.


"I said get up," He growled throwing my clothes on top of me.

I sat up and glared at him, but was confused when I saw another man standing in the room. He was so much like Angel it was shocking. The only differences were that his hair was shorter and his eyes greener and much more warm than Angel's. He was the same height and his features were similar.

"Are you suddenly deaf?" Angel was right in my face. Forcing my gaze from the other vampire I turned to Angel, "Get. Up."

"Angel, some manners please," The other vampire sighed.

"Don't talk at me like you are better than me, Gabriel," Angel snapped back and stepped away from the bed, "It deserves no  . . ."

"Stop calling me it," I snapped sliding out of the bed and facing Angel, "I don't know if you haven't noticed, but I am most definitely a girl and I would appreciate it if you would acknowledge that." I crossed my arms across my chest.

"As a matter of fact I had noticed that," He smirked and I was suddenly very aware of the small amount of silk and lace Faith had given me for pajamas.

"Well," I stepped away from him.

"Get dressed," He growled rolling his eyes then turned and stalked out the door.

"Let me apologize for my brother's rudeness towards such a beautiful lady," The other vampire, Gabriel, sighed.

"An apology from you means nothing," I sighed and turned away from him.

"Of course," He sighed and I heard him walk out the door closing it behind him.

I quickly got dressed leaving the pajamas on the chest at the end of the bed. I sat down on the bed for a moment. That's when I heard Angel and Gabriel arguing outside of my door.

"Don't treat her like a guest," Angel snapped.

"Don't treat her like a slave," Gabriel countered, "Father said . . ."

"Screw what Father said," Angel cut him off.

"She is to be treated as a guest . . . that's what I intend to do," Gabriel said with finality. I got up and walked to the door.

"Well, unlike some I didn't want to be put on guard duty for a fish," Angel spat.

"I . . ." Gabriel was cut off by me opening the door.

"I am not a fish," I sighed annoyed.

"That's right you're a girl," Angel said equally annoyed. "Now come on. I am hungry," he grabbed my arm and pulled me through the halls.

"Can you ease up on your grip?" I complained.

"No," He replied simply.

"Can you tell me where we are going?"


"Can you be just a little bit nicer?" I said sarcastically.

"Hell no." He tightened his grip as we reached the stairs.

"Ow, Angel!" I complained.

He stopped on a dime and turned towards me, "How do you know my name?"

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