Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Angel set me down and instantly brought his lips to mine then pulled away, “I have been dying to do that all morning,” he sighed.

“Well, I was about a centimeter away from kissing you on the stairs,” I smirked pressing my lips to his then pulling away quickly.

“I know . . . I got too close. I almost gave in. If Meat-head wasn’t there I would have,” He glared.

“Why do you call him that?” I asked wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Because he is one,” He sighed as if it was obvious, “He’s annoying. You know, all muscle, nothing really going on upstairs. And the way he eyes you isn’t just about protecting you,” He growled.

“Angel, your attitude is just impossible,” I pushed away from him and facing into the woods.

“But that’s why you like me so much,” I could tell he was going to grab me in his arms and kiss me, but then suddenly I spotted Gabriel’s smiling face appearing in the trees.

Angel’s arms wrapped around me as I gasped my face turning frightened.

“Angel, no . . .” I tried to warn him, but he already turned me around and crushed his lips to mine.

“What is going on here?” Gabriel growled.

Angel pulled away from me shocked, “Gabriel . . . what the hell are you doing here?” He growled back.

“I could ask you the same thing,” He glared from me to Angel.

Angel stepped away from me, stepping up to his brother, “That’s none of your business.” Angel responded.

Gabriel turned to me, “You . . . you kissed him. You kissed him! I thought you didn’t even like him!”

“In all defense . . . in that particular instance he kissed me so . . .” I shrugged avoiding his accusing glare.

“Wait! In that particular instance,” He repeated, “This has happened more than once?”

“Gabriel . . . I tried to tell you. I tried to explain that I wasn’t interested. You just ignored me . . . You wouldn’t listen!” I tried to defend myself.

“Yeah, but I didn’t think it was because you were fooling around with Angel behind my back,” He growled.

“Gabriel, please . . . don’t be angry,” I pleaded stepping towards him. “The reasoning behind it shouldn’t have mattered. The point is . . . I told you. I was clear.”

“I should have figured . . . no girl can be as perfect as you were. I knew there was something going to be wrong. I didn’t expect you to turn out to be a slut!” He snapped.

“Don’t call her that!” Angel stepped in front of me.

I could tell that was the last straw with his twin. Ever since we had become slightly serious every time he saw me with Gabriel he was breaking a little inside. Gabriel calling me a slut is the straw that broke the camel’s back . . . it was clear on his face.

“She’s not a slut . . . you were the one who was forcing yourself on her. She had no choice!” Angel growled.

“And you weren’t forcing yourself on her? She said no . . . I heard her,” Gabriel growled back.

“That’s because she didn’t want me to kiss her in front of you. We have kept it a secret this long,” Angel shoved his brother.

“If you really cared about her you wouldn’t want to hide it,” Gabriel countered smugly.

“I didn’t want to,” Angel said, the anger falling from his voice, “I wanted to tell everyone, but because you would leave her alone we couldn’t!”

“She never said she didn’t want me!” Gabriel countered.

“Yes, I did!” I complained but I was drowned out by Angel’s response.

“When she was with you she pretended it was me,” Angel finally spat out.

Gabriel’s eyes widened and he turned to me with shocked horror across his face.

“Gabriel . . .”

“Is that true, Aqua?” He demanded, “Please, tell me he is lying.”

“Gabriel,” I sighed and then I looked at Angel who was looking at me expectantly, “He . . . I . . . please, don’t be mad at me, Gabriel. I didn’t want to hurt you . . . I really didn’t . . .”

“Just tell me!” He demanded.

I didn’t want to get in the middle of their brotherly hate, but because I was currently the reason for it I kind of had no choice. Of course it was true, but it would kill Gabriel if I said that. It would also kill Angel if I denied it.

So it came down to who I care for most between the twins . . . because that was such a hard decision!

“Yes, Gabriel, it’s true,” I sighed looking to him, “It’s not because I don’t like you . . .”

“That is just sick! Why didn’t you just tell me!”

“I tried, you just wouldn’t hear me! There was nothing I could do to get you to let me go!” I countered.

“Are you happy now? Will you leave this alone now? Just go, Gabriel,” Angel snapped.

“No,” Gabriel growled, “If you don’t have the balls to tell everyone then I will!” He disappeared into the woods.

“No,” I stepped after him.

“Aqua, everyone was bound to find out eventually,” He sighed.

I turned back to Angel. He smiled at me.

“How can you be smiling?” I asked as a slow smile started to show on my lips.

“Because I wasn’t lying. I really have wanted to tell everyone. Better to just get it over with,” He smirked and stepped up to me, wrapping his arms around me.

“Why didn’t you tell everyone already?” I asked wrapping my arms around his neck.

“I didn’t know if you were ready, and to be honest . . . I like sneaking in your window,” He smirked.

“Of course you do,” I rolled my eyes and then he pressed his lips to mine.

I kissed him back passionately. I was really getting into it. His hands were roaming over my body and I just loved the feel of him. I always wanted more.

He pulled away too quickly. I was breathing hard and he let me catch my breath as he kissed down my neck. Then he pulled away.

“We should go back to the house. Gabriel would have told them by now,” Angel sighed

“Okay,” I nodded my head. He picked me up and ran back to the house.

Being in love with Angel was like riding a rollercoaster. It was crazy and exciting and fun, but I knew if it was ever to end nothing would ever compare to it again.

Nothing could compare to the way his hand in mine made my heart race. No one else’s lips on mine would set my body on fire like his. No one else’s hands would feel the same on my body. It was only Angel now and I don’t know how I would live after Angel. When I go back to my family. I could never see him again . . . what would I do?

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