Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


Her heart is racing. It kept blinking in the back of my mind. I knew it, but she was with Gabriel. Last time I went to check on her when she was with Gabriel I just got even more pissed off. I didn’t want to see what was wrong . . . he was probably just standing to close to her . .  or touching her . . . or kissing her.

That son of a bitch! I growled and stood up from my bed stomping towards my door, Then I stopped, no that was a dangerous way to think. She would be fine with Gabriel . . . whether I liked to admit it or not. He was probably too much of a wimp to make a move on her. I laughed as I paced my room, yeah Gabriel wouldn’t push himself on Aqua . . . I mean the mermaid. It’s not good call her by her true name, that’s means that you actually care what she thinks or how she feels . . . and I don’t . . . no not one bit. I sighed and sat back down on my bed.

Her heart picked up again.

“Shut up!” I growled covering my head with a pillow.

I tried to think of something else, but all my mind could wander to was the information my Father and the mermaid shared with us today.

Just by being here, just by being with me . . . I mean us . . . she could be punished by her people. Possibly put to death. How was that even fair? She was here against her will! Not only that she was the most powerful mermaid of this time. What did we get ourselves into?

It didn’t matter because it was all worth it. It was all worth getting him back. It was all worth getting . . .

I heard my door open and slam close. Who the hell . . .

That’s when I smelt it. It was sweet, and citrusy and summery scent and made my throat burn like it had literally been set on fire. I knew that smell . . . Aqua.

I sat up throwing the pillow aside.

“Brat?” I said looking around my room. That’s when I saw her sitting on the ground by the door. She looked drowsy, but I couldn’t see why. Then the smell hit me again and I stopped breathing. She was bleeding . . . a lot . . . from her neck. “Aqua?” I jumped down from my bed and was in front of her in seconds, “What happened?” I demanded.

“Get a towel,” She gasped. Her breath was shaky.

I went to my bathroom and returned to her. I pressed the towel to her wound.

She grunted and moved her hand to the towel weakly trying to pull mine away, “I’m fine,” She sighed, “I need to get away from you.” She tried to stand.

“Aqua, seriously? Where are you going to go? I am your safest choice right now . . .” I thought quickly to help her.

“The blood . . . I’m sorry. I know . . .”

“Shut up, you sound like Bella,” I growled.

For some reason she thought this was hilarious. She laughed, “You read Twilight?” then she coughed and it seemed to hurt.

“Everyone knows the story . . . We’ll fight about that later,” I sighed, “What happened? What can I do?” I asked, “No, I know what I can do . . .” I moved my wrist to my mouth.

“No!” She said stronger than I would have expected her to be able to, “I can’t drink your blood.”

“What?” I nearly shouted, “It will help!”

“No, get me to water . . .” She gasped.

“You want to take a bath?” I raised an eyebrow at her confused. What the hell?

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