Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 

When we got back to the house even I could hear arguing from inside, but it was muffled and I couldn’t understand what they were saying.

I looked to Angel expectantly.

He was focused on the house looking confused.

“They’re fighting about you,” He explained.

“Gabriel told them?” I asked.

“No, it’s not that . . . it’s . . .” Suddenly his body went rigid and he pulled me inside.

“Angel, what is it?” I asked impatiently.

He silently pulled me towards the living room and then dropped my hand and walked in.

I walked in quietly after him. Everyone quieted down. Angel sat on a couch by himself and I walked over and sat by Faith.

“What’s this all about?” I looked to Evander who was standing in front of the couch I was sitting on. They were all here Victoria, Dominic, Gabriel, Nicky, Rosa, and Faith. I looked around confused.

“There will be a ball . . . tomorrow night. We were slightly disagreeing on whether you should go or not,” Evander sighed.

Gabriel, who was standing behind the couch Faith, Rosa and I were sitting on spoke up, “No we were disagreeing on whether it is safe enough for her or not.”

“And it’s not,” Dominic said leaning against the wall on the other side of the room.

“I think that is completely for her to decide. If she wants to go, let her! It’s not like we won’t all be there,” Victoria sighed sitting on the armrest of Angel’s couch.

“Erick?” Evander turned towards the door.

Erick stood straighter, “Yes, sir?” He replied.

“What is your opinion? Since you will be guarding her, I think we should hear you out,” Evander explained.

“Well, I think that with me there she should be safe,” Erick smiled at me. I slightly blushed and looked away from him to the ground.

Angel scoffed.

“Do you have something to say, brother?” Gabriel said in a sarcastic tone.

“Nope, if Meat Head thinks he can keep tract of her in a crowded ballroom . . . then let him keep dreaming,” Angel smirked up at his brother.

“Angel, that’s rude,” Rosa shook her head.

“Of course it is,” Angel rolled his eyes.

“He has a point,” Faith chimed in. I looked at her shocked, “Just because she will have one guard does not mean she will be safe. I mean we are talking about a room full of mermaid-hating-vampires. I think we should be a little more cautious.”

“Maybe I just shouldn’t go,” I pointed out after her statement.

“What will you do if you don’t go?” Rosa asked, “It would be nice if you went.”

“Well, I am sure Angel doesn’t want to go. I will stick back and bug him,” I rolled my eyes.

Gabriel scoffed.

“He has to go,” Gabriel pointed out, “He is part of the royal family.”

“What?” Angel complained sitting forward quickly.

“You should go,” Victoria turned to me.

“But . . . What?” Angel whined again.

“No arguments, Angel,” Evander growled.

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