Chapter 1

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 Chapter 1

Being a Mermaid is not easy, but being human makes it look like a walk in the park. Human are hateful, and cruel and selfish.

I liked being a mermaid so when my father, King of the merpeople, told me to go to the main land with my sisters and play human for a while I was not too happy, unlike my older sister Zaire who loved being here. 

She was tall sleek and curvy. She had long, dark, loose curly hair that went to her waist. Her eyes were a deep navy blue, round and lined with black eyeliner and gray eye shadow. Her lips were deep pink and plush and brought out with plum, shiny, lip-gloss. Her tight, sparkly, gray tank top and black skinny jeans brought out her figure. She also had on her favorite leather jacket. Her deep skin tone made her even more attractive. She was three years older than my eighteen years.

I was a tiny girl for my age. I was hardly five foot compared to my sister’s five foot five inches and she always wore heels. Most guys my age were at least six foot and the girls were only a few inches shorter. I had strange white blond hair, curly that went to my waist. My eyes were an icy-blue color. In the right light, they could have a hint of violet in them or even a blue-green. They stood out surrounded by my deep, caramel tan skin and were my most amazing feature. I was sleek like my sister and curvy, but I did not compare to her. We met on the same level of being promiscuous. At least when we were on the island. I was not attracted to human men. I was wearing dark blue jeans with gray boots that went just above my ankle. I also had on a long sleeved, skintight and low cut cream sweeter. I had a white tank top on underneath.

“You are too shy. Guys do notice you, but you wouldn’t give them the time of day because you don’t notice,” Zaire continued her argument in her smooth voice and rolled her eyes at me sitting down on the couch.

“Don’t push her to be a slut like you,” Tara, my other older sister – the oldest of my seven sisters, I was the youngest – walked into the living room. She had long wavy, red hair that reached just above her waist.  Her eyes were a deep earthy green. She looked a lot like Zaire, but had a lighter skin tone than mine. She was twenty-eight and very adult like. She was the sophisticated sister, Zaire was the sexy sister and I was the shy yet sexy sister.

Our parents had been King and Queen for the last eternity; since mermaids were created, and all of the daughters had been there through most of it as well. 

“Because she’s young . . . now-a-days that means she needs to have fun,” Zaire complained.

“I have fun,” I mumbled.

“That’s exactly what I mean,” Zaire stood up, “I am taking you out.”

“Where?” Tara stepped in between Zaire and me, “She’s only eighteen on the main land. You have to be careful!” She warned.

“She can still go out and have fun,” Zaire stepped around Tara and pulled me up from the couch, “You can’t shield her from the world.”

“I can by taking her home,” Tara snapped.

“That sounds like a good idea” I smiled to Tara.

“How dare you,” Zaire gasped, “There is nothing and no one on the island. Don’t make us go back.”

“There are plenty of good men on the island and you know it,” Tara crossed her arms across her chest.

“Yes, if you already have a hubby picked out for you,” Zaire rolled her eyes.

“Don’t you dare bring Aiden into this,” Tara became angry.

Aiden was Tara’s husband-to-be because she was to be the next Queen. The Mermaid world was female dominated, so the eldest daughter was next in line to the throne, not the eldest son.

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