Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Angel growled and fought against the guards holding him as they brought him into the courtyard.

My father went back to his seat and I had released Hapu. He was now pacing in front of my father.

I was impatiently waiting to see Angel.

As soon as his face was in my view I jumped up to run to him.

“No!” Hapu grabbed my arm holding me back.

“Son of a bitch!” Angel spat at Hapu.

“Hapu, let me go. I’ve told you!” I pulled and scratched his hand on my arm.

“This one is much more dangerous than the other,” Hapu warned glaring at Angel.

“You have no idea how dangerous I am, Asshole,” Angel smirked.

“Angel, stop,” I begged.

“Why?” Angel growled pulling against the guards.

“Because I am her husband and you should respect me,” Hapu stated smugly.

“Bull shit,” Angel laughed angrily.

“Father, they must let him go. Please,” I begged turning to him.

“Why are you arguing for this beast,” Hapu said annoyed turning to me, “He doesn’t belong with us. It was his mistake to step on to the island. He should be punished.” Hapu turned back to the guards.

“No! Hapu, get out of my way!” I cut him off quickly pushing him away from me.

“Aqua,” He growled a warning. Hapu had enough of this fantasy of mine with the vampires

“Father, please,” I turned away from him, “He is royalty. You can not treat him this way. I told you,” I argued.

“I am still you king and Father and you can’t tell me what to do,” Father growled.

“Then take the crown away because I don’t not want to be a part of this kingdom,” I demanded.

“You do not mean that,” My father turned to me.

“Of course she does not,” Hapu growled at me.

“You are only concerned because if I give up the crown you do not get it either,” I growled at him.

Hapu and Angel were having a death glare staring match.

“You know that is not true.” He demanded

“Then let him go,” I dared.

He sighed and nodded to the guards. The guards dropped Angel to the floor.

Hapu wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed his lips to mine passionately. I felt sick. Angel’s lips were so close and I was still kissing him.

I shoved Hapu away from him. “What the hell!”

“Get away from her!” Angel threatened.

“I knew it,” Hapu growled, “You are in love with her.” He accused.

“What?” My father demanded.

“Aqua was not treated as a prisoner because this beast was in love with her,” Hapu snickered. “You can never have her she is mine.”

“I am not,” I gasped, but I was ignored.

“She doesn’t belong to anybody,” Angel snapped. “You are wrong for thinking any differently.” He stepped up to Hapu.

“What she does and does not do no longer concerns you, beast. Leave this island or I will force you from it.”

Hapu was taller and heavier built than Angel. My heart sank as I realized the worriers would back Hapu up . . . Angel never had a chance.

“Stop this!” I demanded.

“I will not leave until she tells me to,” Angel growled back easily.

“I command you to stand down,” I used all the royalty in me to command Hapu, but he with stood it. Thankfully, the guards could not and they stepped behind me . . . where they belonged.

“You do not belong with her . . . she belongs with her own kind,” Hapu argued and I saw the pain in Angel’s eyes at this, but it was quickly replaced with anger as Hapu smirked smugly.

“She belongs with someone she loves,” Angel growled. “I don’t care if that means she ends up with a human . . .” He looked slightly disgusted, “as long as she chose that road.”

“Hapu, I commanded you to stand down!” I tried for a direct order.

“I will not lose you to this beast,” Hapu spat.

“I am not yours to lose,” I repeated.

He shook his head and turned back to Angel, “And you think she loves you?” Hapu laughed. “She could never love a heartless beast like you . . . she needs her love returned, truly and faithfully.” He continued proudly.

“Faithfully . . . I highly doubt you’re one to be faithful!” Angel scoffed.

“Leave!” Hapu demanded.

That is when I saw the wooden stake he somehow managed to get a hold of.

He raised it and I saw Angel crouch ready to attack.

“No!” I shrieked and wind was instantly surrounding me whipping my hair into frenzy.

I shot both my hands out at Hapu and then watched as he flew across the stone courtyard and landed on the stairs at my father’s feet.

“Aqua, what is wrong with you?” Uki my 25 year-old sister I hadn’t noticed stepped out from around my father’s chair and rushed to Hapu’s aid. She her hair was straight and a healthy golden blond. She was dressed in a fitting gown that had a slit up both of her legs. She had a wonderfully curvy body that the material clung to. It was strapless and beaded across the neckline. She also had on a silver belt that had tassels that reached nearly to the ground. Her gown was gray, as was her eyes because her natural born affinity was air.

Hapu was already standing by the time she had reached him.

I was looking at Angel and he was looking intently back at me. His eyes sparked with their old excitement as I took a step towards him.

“No, Aqua,” Gayan growled stepping in between Angel and I, “Do not do this . . . do not hurt your family in this way.” He begged.

“Hurt them!” I nearly screamed. “They are the ones hurting me! They are the ones taking me away from my true love!” The words spilled out of my mouth without the slightest warning, but I did not regret them for a moment.

“Aqua, don’t say that,” Father stood and walked across the courtyard. Everyone was staring at me in complete shock. Even Angel, but soon his expression faded into a proud grin as Hapu glared at him.

Gayan moved himself in between Hapu and Angel and I thanked him with my eyes.

“Father, I will not lie. I have sworn to tell the truth when in court with the King . . . this is what I am doing,” I sighed.

“But I am your Father before I am your King. Now, I beg you, daughter. Do not speak this way to me,” He begged.

“I have no choice, Father. This is how my heart feels,” I explained stepping up to him.

“No,” He shook his head.

“You belong with me,” Hapu growled stepping up to me and taking me in his arms.

“No, you can never make me feel the way he does,” I shoved him away.

Then finally my heart decided for me. I walked past Hapu and pushed Gayan out of the way and then wrapped my arms around Angel and pressed my lips to his.

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