Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Angel’s POV

“Shut up would you!” I growled as we made our way through the airport.

“Are you sure the island is still of the coast of Puerto Rico?” Stephen sighed.

“Why would they relocate? It’s not like it’s one family, they have a whole city on that island,” Gabriel argued.

“I know because she told me now cut it out,” I growled as we finally made it through security.

“Why couldn’t we take our own plane?” Gabriel complained.

“Because the pilot takes orders and reports to mom and dad. Not us,” Stephen snapped.

“Both of you knock it off. You are extremely annoying,” I growled.

Flight 2251 is ready to begin boarding first class. Flight 2251 is now boarding zone one, First class,” The female voice came over the speaker.

“That’s us,” Stephen nagged.

“I know,” I growled.

Gate C6. Gate C6 . . . There!

“Here this is our gate,” I announced and we stepped into line behind some lady in a skirt suit.

Business people. I scoffed. Always using their phones and complaining too loudly. Just always annoying me.

“Ticket, Sir,” I sighed of relief when I reached the front of the line. I handed the smiling flight attendant my ticket, she scanned and I walked down the long air bridge then finally stepped on to the plane and sat quickly in my seat. The seat next to me was empty. It stayed empty the whole time, but Gabriel and Stephen sat across the row from me. I moved to the window seat to place some space between them and me.

I was supposed to do this alone. This was supposed to be my fight for my love and they just had to come along to ruin it. Now not only am I in danger but so are my brothers. This changes things . . . this changes almost everything . . . but the fact that I will get my Aqua back to me . . .


Aqua’s POV


“So you will be wearing mother's wedding gown and then you will go through your coronation that night as mother and father officially step down. Hapu will be excepting his crown as well,” Tara explained.

“I don't care!” I snapped at her and then stood from my bed and walked out to the balcony. My gown moved with my every movement and the moon shined off the jewels.

“Aqua, please,” she followed me in her green gown that was much more flashy and showed more skin than mine.

“I don't want this! I have already told them . . . So many times!” I complained. “I don't want to marry some man I do not love. I do not want to take over this kingdom if it means I cannot be with the man I do love,” I looked away from her and out over the trees of the jungle.

“Don't start with this. Hapu is very responsible and strong and he can protect you and this kingdom. Care for us all. He is what we need as a king,” Tara rubbed my back.

“But I am not meant to be the queen,” I turned back to her.

“Yes, you are! You are kind, gentle, loving and strong and you will fight for this kingdom. You are meant to be with Hapu to rule,” Tara demanded my attention as she gripped my shoulders.

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