Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"No, no, you are too stiff," I chastised Faith.

"Well, your dances are much more difficult than ours," She complained letting her arms fall limp at her sides.

I laughed at her again, "You asked me to teach you," I laughed.

"Can it really be that hard?" Angel returning with a bucket of water, "Okay, you have your water and sand. Now entertain," He wagged his eyebrows at me.

"You get up here and try this, Angel. It's not as easy as it sounds. You're too stiff! You're too loose! You have to be perfect to do this damn dance," Faith grumbled.

"Mermaids are perfect," I said seductively as I fluttered my eyebrows.

"And you're the furthest thing from it," Angel scoffed at Faith as he laid back on the grass in the back yard.

"Don't be rude." I glared at Angel. Then I turned to Faith and smiled, "You've almost got it."

"Okay," She sighed.

"Don't give up. This is only the beginning," I encouraged.

"Oh great," She mumbled.

"I learned the Ancient Dance of the Elements when I was merely 10 . . . in human years," I sighed.

"Well, it is not required for Vampire Princesses to learn dances like this," She fell to the ground.

"Oh, get up," I grabbed her hands and pulled her to her feet, "Again." I demanded.

"Ugh!" She sighed and then she stood straighter.

"Arm out straight," I demanded and ran my hand along her straight arm, "And then . . ."

"Bend my arm at the elbow," She repeated for about the fifth time. She quickly shot her hand up, bent at the elbow.

"Gently. Gracefully." I sighed.

"I just don't . . ." She began to drop her arm.

"No!" I gripped her arm in my hand and kept it bent, but not completely flexing, "Now hold. Lightly," I explained.

"Oh," She smiled when I let go and she kept the posture.

"It's good for a non-mermaid, but I guess I will just have to get over that," I stated looking over her posture.

Angel and Faith both gave me a look silently.

"What?" I shrugged innocently and then turned back to Faith.

"Okay now make a gentle claw with your hand . . . yes, very good," I smiled. "Now do the same with the other arm but bend it down and then make the claw.”

"Like this?" She questioned as she did what I told her to.

I checked her posture and nodded, "See, you've got it," I smiled at her.

"And what element is this?" Angel asked as I stepped up to faith and got right into position mirroring her. I pressed my up raised arm against her up raised arm in the normal fashion so that we were back to back.

"What is this? It took me a half an hour to get this. It took you two seconds and you looked better than me!" Faith complained.

"Hold your posture," I demanded, "I have been doing this my whole life."

"Yeah, but still . . ."

"What element?" Angel called my attention.

"Fire," I said without looking at him, "You will twitch your wrist like this," I turned my wrist in with quick sharpness and then back out so it was straight.

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