CHAPTER 24 Science

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"Who did that!" Yells Mrs Apez! No one owns up. I don't even think anyone saw me do it! I don't own up either. I just sit there acting the best I can. "If you don't own up to who did this I will keep the hole class in every lunch, every day until the culprit owns up!" Yells Mrs Apez. "Ohhhh" the class groan.

Mrs Apez is usually the nicest teacher in the school, she always wears hippy type clothes and always has lollies for us at the end of class. But today, she's furious!

"Anyone going to own up?!" Mrs Apez yells. The class sit there in silence. "Oh well" she continues. "I guess no one is going to lunch." This is so mean. I should own up, but the class will hate me! "I know you lied, your lips are moving tell me do you think I'm dumb, I might be young, but I ain't stupid. (MEGHAN TRAINOR LIPS ARE MOVING)

The bell rings and Mrs Apez goes towards the door and shuts it. (We have songs as our bell and it changes every week) Some people in the class start packing up, after about five minutes everyone has packed up and talking. Mrs Apez is standing at the White board with her arms crossed, frowning. Staring at each and every one of us, but we continue talking.

"Ok" Mrs Apez say in a nicer voice. "It seems we have all packed up" she continues. "I didn't ask for that" she says while now yelling. "So get everything back out again and stand behind your desk" . The class groan and get there books and pens out putting them on the desk then standing behind our chairs.

There is a girl in our class named Rachel who is always listening to music and never gets caught. She's packed up and sitting there not getting her stuff out again. Mrs Apez walks towards her. The class is quite. We can hear Mrs Apez high heels click clacking with every step. She reaches Rachel's desk and stands there. Rachel's hair is over her face and she's looking down towards her phone, Rachel can't see her. Mrs Apez stands there for ages until finally Rachel's puts her head up, jumping to the sight of Mrs Apez who's standing right in front of her.

"What are you doing there Rachel?" Mrs Apez asks. "I'm just, umm" Rachel is interrupted, "playing on your phone" yells Mrs Apez. She must really be in a bad mood because she is usually nice about phones and gives us about a hundred warnings to put them away, but today's different. She's been sent to the deputy! "I know you lied your lips are moving, tell me do you think I'm dump, I might be young but I ain't stupid". The bell sounds for fourth period. After a long and boring half a hour of just sitting there no talking. "I'll see you next lunch for your next detention" Calls Mrs Apez as we all rush out of the room.

On the way to fourth period, everyone is talking about who it was that broke the window. George catches up with me, "I can't believe a pen would break a window" he says laughing. "George" I whisper. "Keep it down". I over hear the boys "I'm gonna kill the rat bag that did this!" Now I'm even more scared to tell Mrs Apez. I think she hates our class now too. She's always saying what a wonderful class this is and stuff like that but for some reason, I don't think she'll be saying things like that for a while!

We just had maths with Mr Witherspoon, I nearly fell asleep. I got into trouble for not doing my homework. But what's new! It's lunch and the class is walking slowly towards Mrs Apez class for detention!

The hole class is complaining on the way. George is standing next to me. "George" i whisper, "I'm going to confess!".
"You can't do that" George snaps back. "You will get into so much trouble".

After our slow walk to Mrs Apez's classroom we arrive at her classroom door. The brown door reads S2 (science lab 2).

William, (a kid in my class) opens the door. And there stands Mrs Apez. We walk in. The room has changed. The room has been changed. Each desk is separated. We all find a seat and no one talks. "Okay" Calls Mrs Apez, "you are late" she continues. "Anyone going to fess up!" She yells.

The class sit in dead silence. "Knock knock" there is a knock at the door. Mrs Apez walks towards the door with her high heals click clacking, she opens the door quickly. There stands Mr Hanlock. Mr Hanlock is our deputy principal. He's heaps nicer than Mrs King!

They both walk out of the room. They are talking. While they talk William stands up. "I didn't do it, but I'm going to take one for the team". I can't let him do this! This is all my fault! I stand up in front of the class. "It was me". The class are silent. "We'll go tell her than" the class yell. The yelling makes Mrs Apez and Mr Hanlock walk back in.

"What's all this racket" yells Mr Hanlock. "You guys are in enough trouble!". I slowly push my chair out and begin standing. "Sit down Tom" Mrs Apez yells! "Miss" I call. "I did it". Both Mr Hanlock and Mrs Apez go quite. "Class you can go, except for Tom" Mrs Apez says in a soft tone.

I sit back down. Mrs Apez 'click clocks' towards me, along side Mr Hanlock. They stand in front of me. Both with a unimpressed look on there face. "Tom" Mr Hanlock says. "Come with me" he now says in a tougher time.

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