CHAPTER 26 My foot

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"What where you doing!" Yells dad. "Honey" mum yells back. "Stop shouting". "I can shout as much as I want to" he yells back. "I didn't mean to" I call. Me, dad and Sam have broken into a verbal fight.

"Quite" mum yells, over the top of our arguing. "Sam and Tom, go to bed now" she yells. Me and Sam quietly walk out of the kitchen, past the lounge room and up the stairs to our rooms. I open my Mac. I turn it on and open FaceTime. I begin calling George. "Ring ring" it rings for five minutes without a answer. I might as well just go to bed.

The next day I wake up. I see mum getting our lunches ready. "Morning mum" I say. "Morning darling" she replies. "How's your foot?" I ask "have a look" she says in a angry voice. I look to see a puss filled huge plister. Yuck!

We have a year assembly today. A year assembly is when the year go to the hall and have an assembly where awards and other stuff if given.

"Good morning year 7" Mrs Len calls through the microphone. We all go quite. "There are a few awards that will be given out" I zone out. My eyes get drawn to the cute girl sitting next to me. We have to be in our rollcall classes. Her name is Jessicar.

"How boring are these assemblies" Jessicar says to me. For a second I'm confused. Is she talking to me? "Umm yeah" I nervously say. "I'm Jess" she say. "I know" I reply, quickly I regret it, she gives me a weird look like I'm some sort of creep. What a stupid thing to say to the cutest girl in school that's talking to me.

I tune back into assembly when Mrs Len says "we are looking for people who are interested in being in the SRC next year". That quickly grabs my attention, I could be SRC easy.

The year assembly finally finishes and I catch up to Mrs Len. "Mrs Len" I call. "Oh hello Tom" she says in a bright voice. "What can I do for you?". "Well I'm interested in being in the SRC next year" I say. "That's great!" She says enthusiastically. "Here is the enrolment form, you have to get all your teachers to give you are rating out of 10".

It's lunch and I begin my quest to get my teachers to sign this form. I start with Mr Witherspoon. "Knock, knock" I knock on the maths staffroom, I hear someone approach the door. Mrs Caal opens the door. "Yep" she says in an annoyed voice. "Can I please see Mr Witherspoon" I ask politely. "Michael" calls Mrs Caal, I can't believe his name is Michael, teachers don't usually tell there first names. "Oh what do you want" Mr Witherspoon says. "I'm going for SRC, can you please sign this. He grabs the sheet. He picks his glasses from his pocket on his shirt and puts them on. He examines the sheet and walks back in the staffroom.

He returns shortly. "Thanks sir" I politely say" he slams the door I front of me and I look at the paper.

10 being excellent- 0 being terrible
Attention in class- 2
Work ethic- 1
Role model student- 0
Book work- 3
I do not recommend this boy for SRC. M.Witherspoon.

How rude! Let's see what the other teachers have to say!

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