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So I've been to all of my teachers except Mrs Apez. I left her for last on purpose, since the window accident I am not exactly her favourite student.

I glare at the sheet, the highest I got was a 6 from Mrs Vick, she is my music teacher. I walk towards the science staffroom. I stand at the closed door. I hear a sudden out burst of laughing form the teachers inside. All the teachers seem to have fun in the staffroom.

I knock on the door and wait. Within about a minute the door opens. Mr Buck opens the door. Apparently he is the awesomest teacher in the school. "What can I do for you young man" he asks in a cheerful voice. "Can I please see Mrs Apez" I ask politely. "Sure thing, Mrs Apez". Mr Buck calls. Mrs Apez 'click, clocks' to to the door.

"Tom" she says, "what's up?" "Can you please give me a SRC rating. I politely ask. "You? SRC?" She says. "Is that a joke?" She says laughing. "Yeah Miss, me!" I say back in a firm voice. My teachers seem like they don't believe in me. "Okay" she says while snatching the paper out of my hand. She takes a few minutes and soon returns to the door smiling with a comment, "good luck, your going to need it"

Okay I think to myself. I've done all my teachers. There are two more spaces left with printed principal and deputy. Oh great. Mrs King will probably band me from doing the SRC. I walk towards the office and open the back door entering through the reception. I pass a hallway and open the double doors. This leads to a really tight hallway. There are two doors there is a sign at the top of each door. They read Principal Mrs Haminy King and the other Deputy Principal Mr Michael Hanlock.

I go for Mr Hanklock first, he seems to not hate me as much as Mrs King does. I knock on the door. "Come in" he calls. I open the door. "Oh Tom" Mr Hanlock says in a cheerful voice. "What can I do for you?"
"I'm going for SRC and need your signature. I place the form on his desk. He examines. "Oh these aren't very good, I'll make it better" he says.

I stand there confused. He opens his top drawer and grabs a pen. He completes the form and hands it back to me. "Hope that helps" he says. I walk out of the room and close the door. I look at the sheet. He didn't give me a mark below 6. He's really nice. Now it's time for Mrs King.

I walk towards her door. I knock. I don't hear a response. I knock again. Mr Hanlock opens the his offices door and locks it behind him. "Try knocking harder" he says while walking away. I do what he says. Mrs King barges the door open. "I am talking to a parent, go away" she yells, she suddenly slams the door behind her.

I wait in the waiting room for about 10 minutes untill finally Mrs King opens the door. "Okay, I'll get that sorted" Mrs King says to the lady leaving her office. She walks towards me. "What can possibly be so important?" She asks in a pissed off voice. "Umm I'm going for SRC. I say nervously. "Alright, get in and make it quick" she calls.

Mrs King fills out the form. She doesn't say another word, she can be a really rude lady sometimes. I walk out of her office and back to the main quad. She didn't give me a mark over 2! That's harsh. Her comment reads. 'I don't recommend Tom for SRC, as he has been suspended. The child is also unreliable and rude as displayed while trying to get my signature. I do not approve this boy for SRC. Signed H.King PRINCIPAL. Now all I got to do is give to to Mrs Len. I hope she allows me to be in the SRC...

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