Qiunce (15)

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'This is the place' I tell myself as I stand in front of practically a mansion.
'This is a waste of time....maybe I should go back...' I keep telling myself. I know I should hear him out but I know if I see his face I will get angry again and me getting angry is not the best for anybody.
I rang the door bell and stepped back waiting for someone to answer the door.
After a minute I was greeted with a smiling Jin.
"Oh, you are Noel....I remember you, I'm also guessing your the one that Hoseok has been talking about nonstop! Well come in!" He opened the door wide for me to come in.
"Thank you Jin, um, where is hoseok?" I ask politely.
"I'm right here..." a voice said from behind me, i look up at the stairs to see Hoseok walking down the and in my direction.
He walked up to me and smiled. "Thank you for deciding to hear me out...Umm...Jin?"
I guess that was a cue for Jin to leave so we could talk.
As soon as Jin left I was alone with Hoseok.
"Let's sit." He said.
I sat down next to him and tried to act like I wasn't secretly fan girling on the inside.
"Hoseok, I'm giving you little time, hurry and just say what you need to say so I can leave." I said trying to sound as put together and confident as I could.
"Ok, Noel, let me just say first that I'm sorry. It was never my intention to make you feel stupid or embarrassed or anything negative. I just thought I could make it a fun surprise. Also please understand that I didn't tell you out of fear that you might not like me for me but for you know, "jhope". It wasn't my intention to get close with you but as we kept talking I started to like you so I felt like I finally had a friend who wasn't an idol or didn't get mixed up in drama and I liked that feeling. I liked how I felt when I talked to you, you always made me laugh and sooner or later I guess I kinda started to develop feeling for you...I know you might not feel the same way but please understand that I really want you in my life, as a friends or more, which ever you choose is fine with me"
He looked and sounded really genuine. Maybe he really was sorry...should I forgive him.
"Hoseok....I want you to know right now, I don't care if your famous or not, to me you are a human and that's it. Your not God. Also, if you were so afraid of me not liking you for jhope or really me not liking you at all or some weird shit like that then you should've cut me off right from the start."
He looked down and was quiet.
"You can be really stupid sometimes......but..I won't deny the fact that I've kinda started to like you too....but right now...I don't think I can go out with you...it would be complicated and weird for some of your fans."
He looked so disappointed in the last think I had said.
"No it wouldn't be! I know the fans will support us and if you want we can go out a lot more! Maybe go on dates and I don't know do other-"
I cut him off.
"Hoseok! Stop....not right now at least...let me have time to think about it ok?" I asked him In a snarling bitch attitude.
"Ok ok...."
"Now I think I might go...I'll text you later I guess." I got up and walked to the door.

I walked out the house as quickly as I could.
Holy shiteu, my bias wants to date me.....holy shiteu!!! What do I do? Wait no....I can't do this...can I? I mean, he's sweet for apologizing...and he seems really nice, but...it will get complicated so fast, I don't want him to deal with that.
But...I like him too, ugh why is this so harddddd?!?
Suddenly my phone goes off.

Hoseok: please think about us, please, I really really like you😊

Aww....why is he making this harder?!?!!

Hope y'all have enjoyed this chapter!! Until next time ARMYS!! I💜y'all!!

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