Dies y neuve

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I got out of the car and walked up to my door with Hoseok behind me.
"Thanks for today...I had a really good time" I said with a smile.
He came down to my height and kissed me.
"Thank you for giving us a chance, I can't wait to face time you later. Get good sleep and I'll see you tomorrow. Wait...will I see you tomorrow?" He asked with his hands wrapped around my waist.
"I don't have class tomorrow so if you want you can come over?" I said to him as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Ok I'll see you tomorrow then" he misses me one more time and then left to his car and I walked into my house.
Aish, his smile and kisses gives me butterfly's! I go and take a shower and then throw myself on my bed from seeing how amazing my boyfriend is!!! Ahh he's so cute.
I have to sleep though if I wanna see him father!
Suddenly I get a ping on my phone.

Hoseok: Goodnight kitten😘

Me: Goodnight Hobi💜

Aish he makes my heart melt...
And for the rest of the night all I think about is Hoseok until I fall into a deep sleep.
I woke up and brushed my teeth and did my hair a bit but kept on comfortable clothes so me and Hoseok would be comfortable While watching movies or something.
I hear the door bell ring and went to open it. I was greeted by a big hug from the familiar body.
"Good morning beautiful" I hear his soft silk voice say muffled in my hair.
"Haha morning handsome" I say as I pull away and kiss his cheek.
"So, what did you want to do today?" I ask walking him into my house.
"Movies and cuddles!!" He said while pulling on my waist and sitting down with me and cuddling me.
"Haha ok....What do you want to watch?" I ask while he holds onto me.
"Hmm I don't know, anime?"
"Yes! Oren high school host clubbbbb!!!!" I say with much excitement.
"Haha ok I love that one*

We watch that shows for a solid 4 hours.
"The twins are my spirit animal" I say laughing at the last seen we saw.
"Nah, I like honey" he said laughing too.
"You seem more like honey," I said and ruffled his hair.
"I know I know, I'm just that cute! Hahaha"
I go into give him a kiss and then I pull away, "wanna order a pizza?" I asked knowing he had to be hungry.
"YEAH!!!!" He cheers like a child.
So I order a pizza online and we wait for it to be dropped off.
While we wait we just sat there watching some more episodes of our show.
Finally our pizza arrived and me and him ate.
"Sooo, I know your not korean..but how did you learn korean?" He asked as he took another bite of pizza.
"Well I learned when I was 12 because I had met someone who needed a lot of help so we made it a priority to learn each others languages. So I learned korean and he learned Spanish" I said back before I bit into my pizza.
"Wait, Spanish?" He tilted his head to the side in question.
"Yeah, because the English language structure is different from all other languages I told him to learn spanish because its easier and it was my first language as a child" I said explaining how i communicated with this old friend.
"Oh wow, do you speak any other languages?" He asked grabbing another slice of pizza.
"No only Spanish, English and korean" I said back.
"That's still very cool and...sexy..." he said with a smirk.
I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as my skin got a dark shade of pink.
"Oh...thanks....." i said back kinda embarrassed.
He reached over and pinched my cheek.
"Your cute." He said while smiling at me.
"I know" I said back smirking.
"Ok I take that back now"
"Yeah i can"
"No" I said with a poke of his shoulder.
He looked at me and then launched forward at me tackling me on the couch and tickling me making me laugh.
"HAHAHA OK OK SORRYYhahhahahahahahahaha'nbbnbbbb!!!!" He finally stopped and sat back up but not before he kissed my cheek.
"That's what you get" he said poking my shoulder like I did his.
I gave him a playful glare before I turned back to my pizza and heard a small laugh from him.
"So when do you have to go back to your house? I don't want Jin to scold me" I laugh.
"Actually, I have tomorrow off, do you mind if I stay here?" He asked looking at me with a smile.
Him? Stay here? I would love that.
"I don't mind...I would enjoy if you stayed" I said back before I scooted closer to him and pecked his lips.
Before I pulled away his hand reached up to the back of my neck and pulled me in for a longer kiss. It was so sweet and full of passion. I didn't want to stop and separate our lips but he pulled back to let us breath for a bit.
"I don't have clothes though...."  he said breaking the silence.
"Umm...h-hold on..." I the got up and ran to my room. I picked out the biggest sweat pants I have and a big hoodie I have. I walked back to the living room and handed him the clothes.
"Oh thanks" he said grabbing the clothes from my hands.
"No problem"
Before I could say anything else, I heard his zipper unzip from his pants.
"Woah what the hell?" I said turning around trying not to look at him.
"Haha what's wrong? I'm your boyfriend now...your gonna have to get use to seeing me without clothes sometime..." he said and I could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Ok...well....just....hurry and put on the clothes" I said not turning around.
"Ok I'm done"
Once I turn around I saw him in only the sweat pants and no shirt.
"Ok...the pants fit...can you put on a shirt?" I said not being able to take my eyes off his well toned abs.
"The hoodie doesn't fit but you seem to be enjoying the view" he said pulling another smirk.
"Ok then..." I said not being able to say much anymore.
"Aww look whos getting all shy now!" He said as he walked towards me and pulled me into a hug. I could feel the heat radiating off his well tanned skin.
"Let's go to sleep now ok?" His voice said as he started walking to my room while still holding onto me.
He pulled me in his arms and put me on the bed. I felt him get on the bed next to me and his warm hands being put on my waist and pulling me closer to him.
"Goodnight my lil potato rat" he whispered then kissed my head.
"Goodnight baby home skillet"
Then I fell asleep.

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