Part 28

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I hear a knock at my door which signaled that Hoseok was here.
"It's open" I yell from my living room.
The door opened and revealed a smiling Hoseok.
"Hey baby!" He says closing the door and walking over to me on the couch and gives me a kiss.
"Hey, so, what was it that you needed to tell me?" I asked wanting to get straight to the point.
His face got a little excited as he looked at me.
"Ok, well our manager was talking with us. And  he thinks it's better that I'm dating an idol, however, if you join our company, become and idol, then me and you can still date, but if you don't...well, we wouldn't be able to be together properly..." his eyes are big and doey while he is telling me all of this.
"So, wanna become an idol?" He asked proudly knowing my answer.
His face drops at my answer.
"What?! Why?" He now looks sad and a little angry.
"Hoseok, this night he anyone else dream, to become and idol and shit. But it's not mine. I don't wanna be pulled into that life. It's a cruel and awful field that I want no part in. I'm sorry but it's not my dream or something I wanna do" I say to him hoping he would understand.
"S-so...your saying you would rather risk our relationship?" He asks me with a bit of anger in his voice.
"That's not what I'm saying-"
"IT MIGHT AS WELL BE!" He interrupted me yelling.
"ITS NOT THE SAME HOSEOK!" I yell back trying to make a point.
"SO YOU DONT LOVE ME?!"  He yells at me.
"Hoseok what the fuck are you talking about?! Of course I love you!" I say back trying to be calmer this time.
"Then why won't you take the chance for us to be together and it not get complicated?!" He's still angry but he lowered his voice.
"Because Hoseok! I love you and I would do a lot for you, but I also love myself and I do everything I can to make sure not only are the people around me are happy, but I am too! Being an idol is something I don't want the stress of. Hoseok being an idol isn't for me and even though I love you so so much, I just can't take the job of an idol and give up all my freedom."  I say back hoping he would understand.
"Then we can't properly be together..." he didn't look at me while saying that.
" know I love you...maybe there's another way-"
"THERES NOT!'s just end it here..."

Shattered...into million heart just shattered.
"Are you gonna give up that easily?....isn't it...when you love some one so much you will always find another way?...I guess you don't love me as much as I love you..."
He still didn't look at me.
"I guess it's over then..." he said with a slight crack in his voice.
"I guess I was right then...." tears slipped out of my eyes one after the other. I just loved him so much...but I can't do what he's asking of me.
"No your not....I love you more...but there's no-"
"HOSEOK YOU DONT KNOW THAT!! YOU HAVENT TRIED ANY OTHER WAY!" More tears left my eyes as I was yelling at him.
"It will be so difficult to do it any other way!" He said back.
"Then that means you don't care about me enough! Bc if you did, if you really loved me you would look for every way possible there is! You don't love me. You don't care and when things get hard you give up. So...yeah we're done. You can leave now." I was still crying while saying all of this to the love of my life.
"But I-"
Before he could finish I got up and opened the door not looking at him waiting for him to leave. More tears left my eyes faster and faster he could clearly tell how broken I was because of this.
He came to me walking to the door and kissed the top of my head... "goodbye" he said before leaving.

As I closed the door my body fell to my knees with my face in my hands. Sobbing. I don't know what to do...I loved him so much and I let him go...I started crying even harder.
"Hoseok please come back I made a mistake...." I said to myself. I fucked up big time.
Hoseok pov

She closed the door and all I could do was slide down the door and just sit there. My girl, my beautiful angel...I let her go...
I could hear her sobs on the other side which made me cry even more then I already was. What the fuck am I doing?...I need her...I just feel all the tears I have in my body leave at the moment as I gather myself together and leave back to my dorm....leaving her alone...without me.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!! Until next time ARMYS!! I💜y'all!

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