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Hoseok pov

"WHAT THE HELL HOSEOK?!? Your such an asshole!" Tae yells at me as he throws his hands in the air and then storms out of his own room, slamming the door.
Maybe I am an asshole. No, I KNOW I am....

NOEL pov:

Such an asshole.....just hearing him call me a slut hurt so bad it made me wanna cry....but I won't. I won't because I know it's not worth it. I just never thought someone who I loved and who loved me so much...would call me a slut.

I got home and went inside to go lay on my bed. I knew I shouldn't have went over there.
I layed down and snuggled into my pillow until I heard and felt the two vibrations come from my phone when I get a text message.
I ignore it the first time but then it goes off again. And again. And again and then I just got annoyed and looked at my phone....it was Hoseok...

Hoseok: hey, I'm coming over.
Hoseok: if it's ok with you.
Hoseok: Wait no, it's not up to you, I'm gonna be there in ten minutes.
Hoseok: I'm here.

I sighed reading the last one. Then a loud knock came at my front door.
*knock knock knock*
i sighed again.
"Noel I know your your in there just please open the door?" I heard his muffled voice say from the other side of the door.
I didn't move from where I was at, I just sat there, should I let him in or not?
"If you won't let me in, I'll just be here all night, I'll sit here and sleep here if that's what it takes to get you to open the door. I'm not leaving." He said and I hear his back hit the door and slide down.
I guess he'll be there for a while...
5 Hours later
I started getting really hungry. Maybe I'll make some ramen.
I go and look in my pantry...nothing there. Then I check my fridge. Nope, nada. I forgot today I had to go grocery shopping. Shit.
I sighed as I grabbed my wallet and phone. I guess I'll have to open the door.

I just got it over with and opened the door. As soon as that happened Hoseoks head shot up and he stood up in front of me.
"H-hey...." he said giving me a small smile as if he was saying 'finally, you'll listen to me'.
I didn't look at him and I just locked the door and said. "Don't get excited Hoseok. I'm just going grocery shopping. Just leave." I said as I make my way to my car.
His footsteps followed close behind me and one of his hands wraps around my wrist and pulls me back.
"Can we please just talk?! please??...please love? It hasn't been long but I'm already falling apart without you please??" His eyes started watering as his hand got tighter around my wrist.
"Hoseok...I'm busy right now, can this wait?" I ask a little cold.
"No, this can't." He said as he dragged me back to the door of my house and grabs my keys from me and unlocks the door, pushing both of us in.
I sigh, "Hoseok, is hat are you gonna say now? I'm a whore? A bitch? What now?" I asked crossing my arms.
His eyes filled with tears as he sank to his knees.
"Please please please don't hate me and listen....I love you so so so much! So much! And I didn't mean to call you a slut I was just so hurt and so mad at myself and Taehyung not you!!" He was full on crying now and I clenched my jaw to try to keep myself from being weak and falling apart in front of him.
"We broke up because of something so stupid and it was all my fault! It's ALL MY FAULT! I'll keep trying! I promise! I'll try and I won't give up because I love you so much. I'll change baby I promise! I will! Just please forgive me please?!? I can't keep going without you...please?..." his head hung low and it was so quiet the loudest thing I could hear was his tears hitting the floor.
my eyes were so watery my vision got blurry as I blinked and one left my eye. I couldn't help but sniffle but as I did that the gate that was holding back my tears broke open and I broke down crying falling down to my knees at his level. I couldn't hold back, I just had to hold him.
My arms wrapped around him holding him tightly as I sobbed into his shoulder.
I felt his arms snake around me holding onto me as tight as I was to him. we were both sobbing until I pulled back and cupped his face in my hands.
"I-I...I love you so much Hoseok..." I said still sobbing.
"I love you too baby" he said as he pulled me closer and pushed his lips against mine as they locked together and moves in sync.
Gosh I missed his lips on mine. They were so soft and warm. I missed him.
We pulled away for air, his arms pulled me close to him holding me close to him as I let my head rest on his chest.
"I missed you Hobi..." I said sniffling.
"I missed you more love, so much it killed me..." he said as he kissed the top of my head.


Hope yalled enjoyed this chapter!! Until next fine ARMYS!! I💜y'all!!

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