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The sun hit my eyes like a ball of lightning as i opened them, waking from my slumber. I looked over next to me, Hoseok still laying there cuddling me sleeping peacefully.
A small smile came across my face, seeing this beautiful man that I love lay next to me. My hand goes up and lightly plays with his hair until his eyes open to look at me.
A smile went across his face as soon as he saw me looking at him, "good morning my love" he said with a raspy morning voice.
"Good morning Hobi" I said back smiling at him.
"What time is it?" He asked me with a soft voice that still sounded tired.
I grabbed my phone to check the time, "it's 9:50" I said back.
"Mmm too early" he said with a babyish voice.
I giggled at his cute response.
"Baby, let's get up! Let's enjoy our day and not waist half of it ok?" I said t him trying to get up from the bed.
"Noooooooooooo" he said pouting still trying to cuddle me.
"Yes love, let's get up" as I was about to get out of his grip and loud knock came to the door in the living room.
"Stay here baby, I'll get it ok?" Hoseok said as he got up from the bed and went to the living room to answer the door.
I followed a little behind him but waited by the hall that goes into the living room from my room.
Hoseok pulled open the door to Taehyung. They both looked surprised to see the other.
"What are you doing here?" Hoseok Asked Taehyung who visibly looked confused.
"I could ask you the same....I just came to visit my best friend who I thought needed me." Taehyung said in a rude but calm voice.
"Well I stayed the night with my beautiful girlfriend who needed me." Hoseok said back and looked back at me.
Taehyung looked the same way and walked to me not even asking to come in or asking Hoseok to let him see me.
"Are you ok? He didn't force you into anything did he?" Taehyungs face had worry and he cupped my small face in his huge hands.
I shake my head as a 'no' and he let out a sigh of relief.
"Good, Umm well here", he held out a bag to me. "It's your favorite vegan ice cream and I got you a couple of your favorite candies...I'll leave y'all now but, if he does anything to hurt you, call me right away ok?" Taehyung said and then placed a small peck on my head.
"Thanks Tae bear. Don't worry, I'll be ok with Hobi." I said back and hugged him.
"Ok, bye bye." He pulled away and left without even saying goodbye to Hoseok.
And then he was gone.
I went to go put up the ice cream but I heard Hoseoks voice behind me.
"So...how come he knows your favorite ice cream and candies but I don't know that?" He asked leaning on the counter next to the freezer.
"Because when I was sad he came and asked me both for those questions to get them for me to make me feel better." I said back putting up the ice cream and candies.
"...how come he kissed you?" He said a little irritated but in a soft voice.
"He just pecked my head, it's a cute friendly thing we do." I said back and getting water.
"I still didn't like it..." Hoseok said more irritated.
"You don't have to, you don't have to like anything, but if you don't like my friend then that's a You problem not mine." I said to him.
He just nodded and stayed quiet. I guess now would be a good time to start the prank I wanted to do.
"Dont get all jealous bro" I said to him and ruffle his hair.
His head shot up to look at me, "the fuck you just call me?" He said looking so confused.
"Nothing bro, wanna go out for lunch today??" I asked him who was still confused.
"S-sure...uhhh...yeah ok..." he said as he scratched behind his neck.
"Ok imma go get dressed bro you should get dressed to ok?" I went back to my room and got ready with a small evil smirk on my face.
Me and Hoseok we're heading to go get food at a restaurant. We both decided on pizza because why not?
We walked into the pizza place and sat at a table and waited for the server to come and ask us what we wanted.
"What kind of pizza you gonna get Bro?" I asked.
I could see his annoyance on his face but he still answered.
"Mmm just pepperoni I think. You?" He asked.
"I don't know bro, maybe pepperoni too" I said back.
He just sighed and looked at the menu as the server came to take our order.
The server looked at as and then right at me.
"Hello beautiful, I will be taking your order for today, what can I get y'all?" He said smiling at me.
"Hello, we will do a medium pepperoni pizza please." I said back handing him the menus.
"Okie dokie coming right up for the beautiful girl and her brother!" He said walking away to the back.
I wanted to correct him but he left before I could.
I didn't want to look up at Hoseok because I could already tell he was angry.
"I wonder why he would think I'm your brother? Hmmm I don't fuckin know..." he said sarcastically and putting one hand to his chin.
I kinda chuckle and look at him.
"It was just a mistake bro, don't get mad ok? Plus it's one person. Me and you don't even look alike." I said grabbing one of his hands.
"Let's just eat and we can go to the park after ok bro?" I asked him.
He sighs and just nodded while looking away.
After lunch me and him wanted to walk around the park for a while. It was so pretty outside and there was such a pretty pond in the park that I love looking at.
"Bro it's so pretty here! Can we also go get some ice cream?"
His face still had annoyance but he still smiled at me and nodded.
"There's an ice cream shop down the street let's go there ok?" He said and smiled as we walked in the direction of the ice cream shop.
We got to the ice cream shop and went inside to order.
"What flavor do you want?" He asked me.
"Cookies and cream please" I said back. With a cute smile.
"Ok" he orders and pays for us and we go to sit with our ice cream.
"Thanks brooo" I said and started eating my ice cream.

As me and him were talking a guy around our age came to where we were sitting.
"Ummm hi, I know I shouldn't do this in front for your brother but I thought you were cute and I wanted to maybe get your number?"
Hoseok looked so angry and looked at me for what I was gonna answer.
"Sorry no, I have a boyfriend, I'm sorry" I said back to the guy.
"Oh ok sorry to bother you then." He said and then walked away.
Hoseok got up from the table and grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the car.
"Ow! Bro that hurts! Let go!" I said to him.
He pushes me into the car and then got in and started driving. The entire time he wouldn't say anything to me but his face told me to not say anything. I was actually scared...I know he wouldn't hurt me but I know he's mad.

When we got to my house he pulled me out of the car and dragged me inside and to my room. He pushed me on the bed and glared at me.
"I'm going to show you right now...I'm not your 'bro' because your 'bro' won't be able to do all the things I'm about to do to you, your not gonna be able to walk for a while kitten.." he licked his lips and hovered on top of me and smashed his lips into mine.

To be continued...

Hope y'all have enjoyed this chapter!! Until next time ARMYS!! I💜y'all!!

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