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I'm still in bed. It's 2pm and I refuse to leave bed. Before, i had a reason to get out of bed and get ready for my day. I had Hoseok. I don't anymore.

I'm laying in bed, cuddled up in blankets and pillows. It's about 2:47 pm and I hear my phone buzz.
Please let it be Hoseok please let it be Hoseok
I look at my phone. It's taehyung.
Taebear: hey, wanna come over and watch a movie with me? Clear your head for a bit?
I didn't. But it's only fair. He helped me the other day I guess I should go and thank him.
Me: uhh is Hoseok gonna be there?
Taebear: no hes not dont worry.
Me: ok, I'll be over in 30 min.

I got out of bed and took a shower and brushed my teeth. I got ready and wore some shorts and a big t-shirt.
I got ready and went to my car and drove over there.

I got over then and parked and got out and went to knock on the door.
The door opened and revealed a smiling Jin.
"Noel! How are you sweetie?" He said as he welcomed me in. "Taehyung is in his room, he already informed me you would be here" he said pointing me in the direction of Taes room.
"Ok...thanks Jinnie.." I said as I walked over to Taehyungs room and knocked on the door.
"Come in!" I hear his voice say from the other side of the door.
I go in and see him on his bed playing a game in grey sweatpants and no shirt.
"Oh hey!" He said pausing his game and coming over to greet me.
"H-hey" I said back a little quiet but enough for him to hear.
He come over and infused me in a hug as he picked me up and spin me around.
I giggled a bit as the sudden movement.
"Glad you came, I thought we could hang and you wouldn't be so sad" he said giving me ow of his cute rectangular smiles.
"Yeah that sounds like a good plan" I said back.
"Well come on." He said pulling me to his bed where he had gotten some snacks and blankets and pillows all piled up next to some
"Ok I have a lot of movies and snacks so make yourself comfortable and I'll put one on!" He said going to put on a Disney movie as I went and sat on his bed cuddling into some pillows and blankets.
He put on the movie and came and layed next to me.
As I watched the movie I felt Tae scoot a little closer to me each time. It was slow but at the end he was so close to me I could hear his heart beat. His arm slowly snaked around my waist pulling me even closer to him.
I didn't know how to react so I just..let him.
His head snuggled into the crook of my neck as I felt his breath tickle my skin.
This isn't right.....but....why can't I move?
His body was now cuddling mine like I was his own personal body pillow.
"W-what are you doing Tae Tae?" I asked a little uncomfortable.
"Shhh lets just relax" his calming low voice whispered in my ear.
I was just so frozen so I laid there letting him hold me as my eyes closed and I felt myself snuggling into his warm body. My mind almost forgot all my troubles and I drifted off into a deep sleep.
Hoseok pov
I laid mopping around in my bed all day...i was just watching movies and I was so upset with myself.
"Where is my lion king movie?" I said to myself. Oh yeah, Taehyung has it. I'll just go get it.
I walked to his room and knocked on the door. "Hey...Tae? You have my movie can I have it back?" I asked through the door.
No response.
I just sighed and opened the door myself to look for my movie.
That is...until I saw him, in bed...with...Noel.
"WHAT THE HELL?!?" I yelled loud enough for both of them to wake up.
They both looked at me not knowing what to say.
"WE JUST BROKE UP AND YOUR ALREADY SLEEPING AROUND?! YOU SLUT!!" I didn't mean what I just said but I was so angry. Not even at her at Taehyung.
Noel pov
"YOU SLUT!" Hoseok yelled at me.
I just looked at him calmed. He wasn't worth all the yelling and damage I could do.
"....are you done yelling now?" I asked completely calm.
He looked at me not knowing what else to say.
"Ok then...I'm not sleeping with Taehyung. He invited me to watch some movies to get my mind off of the damage YOU did...besides. Me and him both still have our pants on. Either way, you broke up with me so I have the right to sleep or date anyone I want and not here crap from you. Me and Taehyung aren't dating or sleeping together, because if we were I would make it a point to know how much of a good person he is to help me when I needed him. And how you left me when things got too hard."
He looked completely out of words. He looked like he just got outsmarted and looked stupid.
I turned to Taehyung. " imma go home Tae bear. I'll text you when I get there bye bye" I said and hugged Taehyung before walking out of the room leaving Tae and Hoseok there.

Hope y'all liked this chapter! Sorry it took so long to update I've been pretty busy! Until next time ARMYS!! I 💜y'all!

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