The Half Sister (One Direction Fanfiction)

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A/N: hello there people of this earth!! This is my new story. It is a one direction fan fiction. And I'm. Yeah. Well this should be fun! Okay I'm going to stop babbling and write to chapter... Oh! But before I go I have to say that I write many chapters of fan fictions each day. So sometimes you will get more then 1 chapter in a day, AND I WRITE ALOT! So I'm yeah here is the story...


"Daddy please!" I shouted at my father who was standing above me. One hand raised the other at his side with a beer bottled clenched tightly. I felt hot tears running down my cheeks.

"Cecilia, you little bitch!" my father screamed at me.

Before I knew it I was on the ground my left cheek burning. My father had slapped me. This was a regular thing with my father. Ever since my mother died he has been staying out late and coming home drunk. Everyday he would come home and beat me.

"daddy! I'm sorry! I will go clean it up right now." I said in between my sobs. But my father wasn't done. He kicked me in the stomach multiple times.

"don't you ever make a mess in this house ever again! Do you hear me young lady?" my father confronted me. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

I nodded in reply. He pulled my head up by my long blonde hair and threw me back on the ground.

"you worthless piece of shit." I heard him mumble under his breath as he walked out of the room.

I was left on the ground crying. 'What did I do to deserve this?' I asked my self. This was the thought that came to mind every time my father came home. I'm only 10 I shouldn't have to go threw this.

I got up off the ground the pain making my movements feel like I was being torn apart. I slowly walked into the small kitchen that was located next to the living room. I looked to the ground and screamed.

My father was laying on the floor not breathing. A bottle of pills spilled around his body. I stumbled over to our house phone and dialed the all to familiar number.

"hello 911 what's your emergency?" a women's calming voice spoke over the phone.

I took a shaky breath and let out the words. "my dad. H-he's on the ground. H-he's not breathing. And t-there are p-pills all around him." my voice was cracking. Why was I so upset. The man that had ruined my life is possibly dead. I should be happy right? But instead I was a mess.

"it's okay sweet heart, just tell me your address and an anbulance will be right over." her voice calmed me slightly.

I told the women my address and within minutes an ambulance is here with a police car. The police man walked up to me.

"hello sweatie do you have an other family members?" he asked me crouching down the slightest bit to reach my hight.

"n-no. It was just me and my dad." I told the police officer trying to keep myself together.

"well then sweatie I'm sorry to tell you this but you will have to go to an orphanage." I nodded slightly. He took my hand and led me to the police car and took me to the orphanage.

As we arrived I looked up. 'so this is now my life.' I thought to myself.


A/N: There you go! The prolouge is relaly long I know... And it kind of sucks... But it will get better! I promise!! Thank you so much for reading. I am going to update again... So yeah. See you guys soon. :) oh! And I forgot that I also need a cover! If any of you would like to make me a cover that would be amazing!!! Thanks :)


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