Away from home chapter 12

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A/N: okay I'm sorry bout the last chapter being relaly sucky and short. This one might be short again but only because it's Halloween and I'm going trick-or-treating at 6:30 and yeah. So either it will be short and posted October 31st or it will be long and posted on September 1. Soooo here it is.



"hey harreh!" I said to my brother who was still sleeping. Ha I love waking him up. It's fun. "HARRRREEEEHHHHHH! WAKKKEEEEE UPPPPPPPPPP" I shouted in his ear. He shoved his hand out and into my face.

"Cece stoppppp.... Let me sleeeppppp" Harry mumbled out. Oh I guess I will have Togo to singing. That always wakes him up.

"it's time to get up in the morning. In the morning. Morning! I went and got mc Donald's. I walked 2 Miles to get it, so you better get up and eat it. Don't be selfish harreh. SO YOU GOTTA GET UP! IT'S TIME TO GET UP!" I was now jumping on Harry's bed and screaming. I already got the other guys up. Other then Zayn. He's next.

"Cece. Get off." Harry then pushed me off his bed and I let out a little shriek. Time to mess with Harry.

"where am I? Who am I? Who are you? What's going on?" time to fake cry.

"shit." I heard Harry mumble.

"the the. The last thing I remember is my dick I a brother pushing me off his bed when I was kinds enough to walk 2 miles to get him mc Donald's." I started giggling as Harry was now put of his bed about to call 911.

"I hate you Cece." I stuck my tounge out at Harry and ran out of his room. Now it's zayns turn.

"hey Zayn. I used all your hair products and all of them went out of stock." he shot up out of his bed faster then the speed of light.

"your kidding right?" he was all wide eyed and stuff. I started laughing like a retarted seal. It happens a lot. "I hate you so much Cece"

"you know you love me!" I smiled at Zayn as I left his room. This sounds weird because Zayn is pretty much my brother, but he has a great body. Oh god, I like die every time I see him.

"hayyyyy y'alllll!!!!" I said in my most twangy accent when I got down stairs to the rest of the boys. All I got in reply was a bunch of grunts.

" we'll good morning to you too. I guess you guys don't want any food." I reached to take the food away from Niall but he bit me. He freaking bit me. "YOU LITTLE FUCKER!" I shouted at him.

"what?!" Niall spit out his food. He stood up and I fell to the floor.

"I'm sorry please don't hurt me!" I was now on the floor in the armadillo position.

"Cece I'm not going to hurt you. I was just surprised by you swearing." Niall put his hand out for me. I nodded and used his hand to help me off the floor. He gave me one of his horan hugs and went back to eating.

"Cece you are so rude." a voice I did not recognize came into the room. I turned around to meet eyes with Alex, the boys from the minni mart down the street

"holy shit Alex you scared the fuck out of me. What are you doing here?" I was holding my hand over my heart.

"I came to visit you." he shrugged it off. What the hell he comes into my house without even knocking. The fuck dude.

"we'll how did you get into my house?" I was sounding rude but still. It's kinda creepy.

"I LET HIM IN! HE HAD CARROTS!" I turned around to look at Lou.

"please don't tell me you like carrots too." I pouted at him. His eyes widened and he came to hug me. "what... Hell... Cant.... Breath...." I was able to get out few words. Everything was a little fuzzy. Stupid Lou and his bet hugs!

"oh god I'm sorry." he let me go and I wobbled a bit but steadied my self easily.

"Lou. You should know not to hug her to rute. She's to tiny." Liam poked me in the stomach. I lifted up my shirt do just my stomach was visible and they all gasped. My ribs weren't visible anymore. Ever since my stomach surgery I've been eating more and being able to keep it down! Woohoo!

"it's not that bad anymore! Seeeeeeeeeeee! You can't see my ribs!" I stuck my tongue out at them.

"CECE! PUT YOUR SHIRT BACK DOWN!" I flinched as Harry screamed at me. I rolled my eyes as I put my shirt back down.

"Harry its not that bad. It's just my stomach." I crossed my arms and faced my brother who was much closer to me then I thought.

"sorry. I just your my little sister. I don't want you being a whore." he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and started swaying.

"Harry. What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm dancing!"

"Harry you can't dance" Harry stopped swaying and looked at me.

"and who says I can't?"


"oh yeah? I bet you can't even dance." oh he did not just go there.

"well to be exact. Before my mother died I did hip hop classes and I web all the way to world finals with dancing. And guess what? I GOT FIRST! I still have the medals and trophys I've gotten from dance." I snapped my fingers at him and A few 'burn' came from the group of boys.

"um. I'm just gonna go now. This is getting weird." Alex said then ran out.

"bye Alex!" I shouted at the boy as he ran out of our apartment.

"dance." harrysaid.


"dance for me. Show me that your not lying." I nodded at him then cleared the living room area.

"hold on. I need to stretch." I started doing my warm up stretches. After I stretched I walked over to the stereo we had and put on the first song that played. And of course it was dubstep, the only music I don't know how to dance to. I quickly changed it to the boys song 'what makes you beautiful' once Liam's voice came on I started to dance.

"YEAH! YOU GO CECE!" the boys were shouting as I danced along I the song. I looked at Harry and his mouth was wide. Hehe I proved him wrong.

"okay thats enough." then the music turned off. Oh no they didn't. Uhg. I hate when people turn off music. Especially when I'm dancing. "Cece I need to talk to you real quick." Harry said.

"shoot." I gave him a slight upward nod.

"the boys and I have to go on our world tour soon. And you need to come with us. So you kinda need to pack today because we are leaving in three days and I forgot to tell you." Harry's usual slow voice was now like faster... Woah. That's weird to hear.

"okay. I guess I will go pack now."


A/N: this sucks and it's choppy and terribly written. Umm. Yeah. BUT HAPPY HALLOWENN! I spelt that wrong and I'm to lazy to correct it do I will just tell you guys. Hehehe. :P I'm weird. Thanks. Ik that. So yeah. Peace out yo! I'm a sexy lady bug. So eat it


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