Chapter: 16

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A/N: okay so like half the take me home album has been leaked. But ummm.... My toes really hurt and like I can barley walk. So here is chapter 16



Every since josh broke Cece's heart all she has been doing is sitting in her room. She doesn't eat, talk, all she does is sit alone in her room. The only time she does talk is when she tells us to go away.


Ive been avoiding every one and everything for a week. I took out my laptop and logged onto twitter for the first time in forever. I did a quick tweet about doing a twit cam then went to set it up.

"hello everyone." I waved weakly. I have absolutely no energy but I needed to do something, sitting in my room alone and crying doesn't help. I took a quick look at the tweets I saw a few saying 'where have you been' a few said 'are you alright?' but one really stood out. 'I'm sorry' its from josh.

I started bawling my eyes out. "i-I'm sorry guys. I n-need to g-go." I ended the twit cam and ran out of my room. Instead of running to someone I ran away from everyone. I could hear the boys calling my name but I just kept running. I ran out of the hotel and just never stopped. Until I realized I was lost.

I pulled out my phone and called the one person I could trust right now. "hello?" her voice came through the speakers.

"hi Lou, could you come and pick me up? I kinds got lost." my voice was rough.

"okay. Do you know what buildings your near?" I looked around and tried to read stuff but it was all in Italian.

"no it's all in Italian! Wait! There is one shop that's not in Italian! It's called taste of Paris in Italy."

"okay I will be there in a few minutes." she hung up the phone and I walked over to the shop. As I walked in the smell of fresh baked bread filled the air.

"hello! And welcome to a taste of Paris in Italy! What can I get you." a women who looked like she was in her 40's created me from behinde the counter.

"oh, sorry I don't have any money." I felt bad for coming into her shop and not having any money.

"oh that's alright, ill give you something on the house! You look like you could use something to eat." she was right. I haven't eaten much in the past week.

"thank you, you're very kind." I smiled weakly at her. I walked over to the counter and look at all the breads and pastries and cupcakes. I was practically drooling. "could I have that pink frosted cake batter cupcake please?" she nodded and gave me a big smile. She opened up the glass and pulled out the cupcake.

"here you go dear, and you are welcome back here anytime." I gave her a smile. She was so nice to me. I took the cupcake and took a small bite.

"thus es weally gud." I tried to speak out. Having a mouthful of food isn't that helpful. The women smiled at me.

"I'm glad you like it." I swallowed the food and looked at her.

"I don't like it. I love it!" she chuckled at me a little. "you should move this store to London. If you did I would come buy a cupcake everyday."

"I've actually been wanting to start a store there. But I would need help."

"I could help you!"

"you would?"

"of course I would. It would be an honor to help you."

"well then I guess wiill be moving to London." my eyes lit up and a smile popped onto my face.

The sound of a bell caused me to turn around. The sight I saw reminded me of everything. A tear rolled down my cheek. "what are you doing here?"


A/N: so another cliff hanger!

I watched snakes eat rabbits and eats today, watched a guy get bitten buy a snake, ate a big piece of ice cream cake, and held a bearded dragon.

This day was well spent.


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