The New Girl part:2 chpt:5

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A/N: so ummmm I decided to write part 2 on Thursday also. It is possible that I gets uploaded today also but that means no update tomorrow. But I don't really have time to update tomorrow because I have my school dance and stuff. I will try my best to get at least the begining of chapter 6 started tonight and then hopefully I will upload it on Friday. I'm but here is part 2. And this authors note will probs be pointless because I am trying to keep my updates seperated but its almost impossible for me! I feel bad when I leave you guys hanging. I'm a softie. And just incase you are wondering... Yes the Sophie from the last chapter is my best friend in real life. and I actually described her. Sorry... I'm like saying pointless stuff. But this is important what I'm about to say... I WANT OPINOINS! I DON'T WANT GHOST READERS! Like you are still readers but I want to know what you like and don't like so I can adjust to things! So please comment just once or twice. That is all. So here is part 2!!


Shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. Now I'm going to have two people freaking out. Harry will freak out about me going missing for like 4 hours. And Sophie will be screaming her head off about Harry being here. And as if right on cue Sophie screamed.

I fell to the floor pretending to faint. And me being a great actress and all, everyone beloved it. Once I felt Harry's presence abover me I made a dash for the exit.

"later bro! Bye Sophie!" I hollers at them before I ran to the food court. I need food. Like now.

I walked into the food court area and saw a man sitting at a table. All by himself, with about 12 fruits sitting in front of him. It wasn't like he had a fruit salad or anything, he just had 12 full fruits sitting infront of him.

I walked up to him cautiously. "hey bro." yeah I'm just that cool. Wow I can't belive myself.

"what?" he snapped out. Oh so now we got a mr. Grouchy pants. Okay then.

"why do you have all thoes fruits?" I pointed to the fruits. He looked at me like I was the crazy one.

"I'm like a fucking fruit basket! You got a problem with that? I can't be a fruit basket?" well that escalated put my hand up in defense. I quickly reached down and grabbed an apple then dashed away. I could faintly hear the oleander screaming 'noooooo my baby!' wow what a weirdo.

I took a bite of the apple and slowed my sprint down to a walk. I walked into a sunglasses hat store. I took all my hair and put it in a bun. That was pretty big if I say so myself.

I walked over to a rack that had a pair of dark blue sunglasses. I took them off and tried them on. I took my hair down fluffed it out then put on a gray beenie that was just sitting there.

Okay I'm soooo buying this. Luckily for me I was able to snatch Harry's wallet before I left. Yes I know I sound like a terible person. I picked up a few things at the orphanage from kids who were on the streets for a year or two before they went to the orphanage.

I took Harry's wallet out of my back pocket and payed for the hat and glasses. As I stepped out of the store I wan into a girl with light curly brown hair. Oh god it Eleanor.

"oh I'm sorry love." wow. She is beautiful and her British accent was so sweet.

"oh it's alright." I said quietly trying to change my voice a little. "it was my fault any way." I wasn't doing a very good job of hiding my voice. And of course Louis would be right be hind Eleanor.

"CECE! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YO- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!? WHAT'S UO WITH YOUR HAIR? WHERE IS HARRY? does he know you did this?" he was shouting so loud everyone stopped and stared.

"I'm sorry Lou. I just wanted to have fun. Before the orphanage I rarely got to leave the house because of my so called father. And when I got to the orphanage, they barley let me open a window." I rolled my eyes at the thought of the head mistress not lettin me do or go any where. Such a bitch.

"well you shouldn't have gone missing for 4 hours!" Eleanor was now scolding me.

"im sorry I've been a burden on you guys I guess I will just leave now. All I've done in the past 2 days is cause trouble. Bye" with that said I ran off to the exit and through the unknown streets of London. Tears were brimming at my eyes. Everyone hates me.


"SHE WHAT!!?" I yelled over the phone as Louis told me what had just happened with my sister. First she goes missing in a mall for 4 hours and gets her hair dyed by MY stylist, and now she runs away. Uhg! This is all my fault. Why am I such a fail at being a brother. "thanks for letting me know boobear. I will call Paul and ask him to look for her.

"OH MY GOD HE CALLED LOUIS BOOBEAR!" the girl that had her hair dyed the same way as Cece said. I'm guessing a fan.

"what's your name?" I asked her. Her gray blue eyes lit up in excitement.

"my name is Sophie!" she said very happily. She should be a cheerleader. "oh and does Cece have a phone? I know this isn't the right time but like I want to be able to text her! She and I got along very well today. It was fun!" fun? Did she really just say it was fun? This was not fun. This is terrifying.

"no she doesn't have a phone but I will give you my number until I get her a phone. If we find her." I slightly whispered the last part so she wouldnt here.

I took her hand and wrote my number on it then walked away. I took out my phone and dialed Paul.

"hey Paul I need a favor."


A/N: Hehehehehe I know I'm evil. But my friend Sophie wants it updated sooooo the rest of it will be in a new chapter tomorrow. And yes this one is super super short! But only because my friend rushes me... -_- well hope you enjoyed it!


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