The Meet And Greet Chapter 3

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A/N: this chapter was written on Tuesday so I could post on wednesday cause like I have stuff to do wednessday so this was simpler. K thanks for reading and hope you enjoy. TELL YOUR FRIENDS!


I sat in the car with Harry wondering what it's going to be like living in London and not America anymore. I day dreamed what it could be like living with Harry and the 4 other boys. Well at least I think there are 4 others. That's what I remember from everything Saarah has told me about them.

"so Cece, I'm sorry that I came so late. I just found out about you this year." Harry said to me. I could tell he really ment it.

"Harry its alright I was just over reacting. I should be the one that is apologizing." I told him truthfully. I was being a bitch. "oh and Harry I have a question for you!" I said a little excitedly. He nodded his head slightly taking a quick glance at me but keeping his eyes on the road. "do I have a sister? Ive always wanted a sister!" I was bouncing in my seat waiting for an answer.

"yes we do have a sister. Her name is Gemma." he said while chucking at me. I was doing some kid of crazy dance. I don even know what it is.

I felt the car pull to a stop. "we are here!" Harry said joyfully. He seems more happy now then he did before.

"yay! I can't wait to meet the people that I am possibly living with for the rest of my teenage years!" I said very happily. I'm surprised it didn't come out as a sarcastic remark.

I stepped out of the car and skipped into the hotel building that sat infront of me. I heard Harry mumble something about me not helping him but I ignored it.

As I stepped into the building I was in awe. This place was huge! The lobby was like twice the size of the entier orphanage! My mouth hung open as I stared around the place taking in every little detail.

"Cece come on don't you want to meet the boys?" harry said from the elevator. I looked over at him with a doe like expression. I skipped over to him quickly. "okay just to warn you. Louis is loud, Liam is a goodie goodie but don't tell him I said that, Niall eats like its the end of the world, and Zayn does not like his hair being touched." Harry finished up the list of warnings about these 4 others.

"but what about you? You have to come with some baggage too?" I said to him quizzically. I needed to know something about him! For crying out loud he is my brother... Well half brother.

"well I have a habit of getting naked all the time. You have been warned!" I looked at him with a confused look on my fave.

"who the fuck has a habit of getting naked?! What the hell! I can't belive I'm related to you!" I Said almost shouting. Just as I finished that sentence the elevator dinged telling us that we were at our floor.

Harry took a step out with me trailing closely behind him. My nerves started getting to me. What if these boys didn't like me? What if I was to weird? Questions like this flew in and out of my mind.

Harry took my hand in his. "everything is going to be fine. Just relax and be yourself." be myself. Well if that what he wanted.i shrugged it off as he opened the door.

"HONEY IM HOME!!!" Harry shouted Ino the room. What the hell is wrong with this boy.

"HAZZA!" I heard someone screech. I was guessing Louis since Harry had said that he was loud. I saw a good looking boy-probably in his late teens or early twentys-come running around a corner and flew into Harry's arms.

"hi." I said softly. I wanted to intraduce myself but,well... I don't really have a chance when they have almost no idea I'm coming.

Louis head shot up quickly. He turned twoards me and put his hand on my shoulders. "HAZ YOUR GOING YOUNGER NOW?" the boy I assumed was Louis screeched.

"SHUT THE HELL UP! IM GOING TO BE FUCKING DEFF BEFORE THE END OF THE DAY!" I shouted back at him. He looked shocked. Probably because I was cursing. But I dont give a shit.

"sorry..." he mumbled before backing away slowly. I felt bad for yelling t him. But Harry told me to be myself so I am being myself.

"Cece don't be mean." Harry said calmly. Oh this is going to be fun.

"Cece don't be mean." I mocked Harry imitating his low voice and the speed he talked at. I tried to do a British accent but I suck at it.

"what are you doing? Is that supposed to be me?" I nodded slightly. "wow your good. Just work a little on the lowness of the voice." Harry told me. I rolled my eyes at his remark.

"is someone going to tell me what's going on?" Louis said. I giggled at his face. His expression was soooooo funny.

"Louis this is my half sister Cece." Harry said festering twoards me. I lifted my hand and did a small wave.

"nice to meet you miny styles!" Louis said as he picked me up and. Did a little circle.

"uh. I can't breath." I gasped for air but Louis' hug was too tight. God damnit.

"oh god sorry. I'm used to hugging the guys like that. Not petite little girls like you." was I really that skinny? I looked down at myself. I thought I looked normal. I listen up my shirt slightly to see something I had never noticed before. I was able to see my ribs. I poked at them lightly. I felt a slight pain. I still had pains from when my 'father' would beat me.

"dayyyuuummm girllllll! You need to get some meat on them bones!" an Irish accent rang threw my ears. I looked up to see a blonde boys with shocking ice blue eyes. I could get lost in them. I could see his roots peaking out from under the blonde. "hi I'm Niall!" he said cheerfully.

"I'm Cece!" I said mocking his cheerfulness. He rolled his eyes then stuck his hand out for me to shake. I took it in my hand and rapidly moved my arm up and down. This was going to be fun.

"woah! Who is this pretty little lady." Ana British accent rang threw my ears. I saw a boy with dark brown quiffs hair and beautiful dark brown eyes. "hey I'm Zayn. Vas happening?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"vas happening?" I asked confused on what it was. "oh and by the way I'm Cece." he pulled me into a quick hug. And then looked me in the eyes.

"you have Harry's eyes. You are one lucky girl." how am I lucky? Green and blonde does not go well together. Oh whatever. I belive there is one boy left for me to meet so I waited for another boy to come waltzing in.

"DADDY DIRECTION HAS ARRIVED!" as if on que there he is. The last of the five. From Harry's description I have a feeling he and I would get along very well.

"and that is not needed." I said slightly peppy making fun of him slightly. I giggle. "hi I'm Cece you must be Liam." I stuck my hand out for him to shake it. But instead he pulled me into an awkward hug. What's up with these boy's and hugging?

"yes I am Liam. Very nice to meet you." he said as he pulled out of the hug.

I turned to Harry. "where am I staying for the night? Because I'm like super tierd." he pinted to the couch. Wow... Such a nice brother.

I walked over to TE couch and laird down. I instantly feel asleep dreaming about what my life will be like now.

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