The big storm chapter 11

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A/N: my phone is dying and I could lose power any second. Glad I have unlimited 3G data and I can have Internet one my phone. And we bought a new generator so we good brah. We good. So here is chapter 11 I have almost no idea what is going to happen... So ummm yeah.


I was sitting up in my room crying, because of Harry. I shouldn't be crying. This isn't that bad. I've been through worse. Just as I stopped crying the windows in my room burst open. Like the glass just shatterd. There was wind blowing every where. I let out a high pitched blood curdling scream.

"Cece?! Are you okay?" Harry came running into my room. I was curled up on my bed in a fetal position. I felt arms wrap around me and bring me out of my room.

My head was shoved into Harry chest. He tried to put me down but I clung onto him harder. "don't let me go... Please." my voice was barley audible. Harry held me closer and whispered in my ear.

"I'll never let you go Cece." and right then the lights went out. I let out a little squeal.

"is everyone alright?" nialls booming Irish voice came into the room followed by everyone else but me saying their alright.

"wait. What about Cece? Where is she?" what sounded like Louis' voice said.

"I-I-I'm r-right h-here." I studdered out. I'm actually terrified right now. I've never been through a storm like this. The worst I've had is just a little thunder storm.

"are you alright Cece?" Zayn had said. Well aparently he was right next to me.

"no. I'm scared, my leg hurt a lot."I took my head out of Harry's chest. I was able to make out some figures that were sitting Infront of me.

"don't worry Cece it's just a storm." Liam said. Oh he is so wrong.

"just a storm? This storm blew In my window. I now have no window." I felt an arm on my shoulder.

"Cece that window was just a tempeorary window" as that was said I realized some thing.

"WHERE IS DUBLIN?" I jumped out of Harry's arms and fell right to the floor. I screamed out in pain.

"CECE?! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?"Harry ended up at my side. Right then The lights came back on. A large ammount of gasps came from the boys mouths. I looked down at my left leg and there it was. A piece of glass stuck in my leg. And a good sized piece of glass too.

"no Harry I'm not alright. But I need my dog. Where is he?" I got up and limped around looking for my dog. "DUBLIN" I shouted. I got a reply. My little boy barked. I looked to where the bark came from. It was a closet. I opened the closet to be tackled by my dog.

"yes hello dublin." I giggled at him as he licked my face.

"hey Cece! Come on we're taking you to the hospital!" Harry shouted for me. Uhg. Another trip to the hospital.

"okay but I'm bringing Dublin with me." I picked up my little puppy cans limped over to where the boys were. When we got there Harry picked me and Dublin up and carried us out to the car.

After about a 30 minute ride we were at the hospital. It could have been a 15 minute drive but they let Louis drive... Once we got inside we had to wait for an hour for me to get the glass out of my leg. I wasn't mad about that or anything I felt bad for the people that came in here and were dying.

"Cecelia styles?" a nurse in white came up to me. I nodded my head. "follow me." I got up and limped over to the room the nurse was heading to. "so just change into this hospital gown and lay down. A doctor will be with you shortly." the nurse handed me the hospital gown and left.

I quickly changed into the gown and lied down. Not soon after a doctor came in and put a mask over my face. Soon everything was black.


"guys. I feel like this isn't the best place for Cece." I sighed as I thought of everything that has happened to her over the past few months.

"dude. She may be getting in trouble and stuff but she is better off here." I nodded. Liam has a point.

"excuse me sir?" I looked up at a man wearing scrubs and a mask. "your sister is fine. She is awake right now. We gave her some pain mess so she has very little controll over her mind so watch out with her. And keep her leg away from water." I nodded at him and stood up.

"hayyyyy harrehhhh!!!!!" oh god. Not again.

"hello Cece." she started walking over but fell. God she's such a clutz.

"teehee. I fell." she started giggling. That giggling led to laughing. And her laughing led to her rolling around on the ground clapping like a retarted seal. I face palmed as I saw my sister rolling around shouting barrels. "PEWDIEPIE WILL KILL YOU BARRELS!"

"okay Cece we are going Home." I picked her up off the ground and started walking out.

"NO PEWDIEPIE HELP ME! THE BARRELS GOT ME!!! BROS! STEPHANO! MR. CHAIR!! SOMEONE HELP!" her shouts were so loud. I can barley hear now.

"Cece showcase lease be quiet." I said sternly.

"dude. Make your sister shut up. People are starting to notice us. The other guys got stuck back there." niall came running up to me and pointed back to the other guys.

"NIIII!" Cece shouted reaching out to him. What the hell. How loud can this girl be. I swear it's like she's Lou's sister and not mine.

********later that night******

After hours of Cece screaming she finally went to sleep. I'm so tierd. And hungry. A taco sounds good right now.


A/N: okay so this chapter sucks and it's short. Only because I took like all day to write because my Internet is out and my 3G isn't working well. Sorry. Ummm well I will try harder on the next one I promise!


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