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*1 month later*

Sophie's POV:

Me and Harry are getting married today. The end

This is What Sophie wanted to write for the chapter... Ummm yeah right, if anything I'm making myself come in and marry Harry! So I decided to write this chapter.... Um it will probably suck because idk what to do.


*1 week after the tour ended*


It's been a week after the 6 month tour. I'm glad to be home. "hey Harry! I'm going down to 'A Taste Of Paris In London' see ya later bro" i said before I walked out of the door. And yes the shop that I found in Italy is now in London and once directioners found out that I go there often and that I work there they started coming.

After about a 5 minute walk I found myself at the shop. I walked in the door. "hi amber!" I waved to amber the women who owned the shop.

"oh hi Cece! I'm glad you are here. I could use some help. A girl is going to be coming in with a bunch of her friends for a party, and I need help setting up." I thought for a bit.

"what age is she? When are they coming?" I asked. I needed to know this stuff so I knew what to get.

"she is around your age, and they are coming in 3 hours. So we have to have it all set up by 12:30"

"okay! I will go and get the stuff now and I will be back in 45 minutes to an hour." Amber nodded her head at me and went back to cleaning the place up. I walked out the door and headed over to the mini mart.

"ALEX! I need a disco ball, streamers, and a bunch of soda." I said once I walked into the store. Alex turned around with a shocked expression on his face.

"oh Cece, it's just you. And ummm we have soda and streamers. But no disco ball." crap. I was hoping he would have one.

"okay." is all I said before I went and started grabbing multiple colored streamers and masking tape. I walked over and put it on the counter before I continued my party shopping. I grabbed like 6 bottles of soda.

"that's all your getting?" Alex asked in a sarcastic tone.

"haha, very funny." I looked at my pile. It was a lot. I had like 50 things of streamers, 6 things of soda, and 2 rolls of tape. "I'm setting up for a party."

"am I invited?"

"not my party sorry." he shrugged his shoulders and went back to checking out my items.

"okay. Your total is 30 pounds." I pulled out my little wallet and took out a twenty and a ten and handed it to Alex.

"gotta go bye!" I said as I grabbed my bags and walked out of the store. So all I need is a disco ball and a kareoke machine. I walked over to the shop and put the bags down. "Amber I will be back, I just need to grab 2 things." she have a quick wave to me before I left.

I walked back to mine and the boys' apartment. "hey Harry I'm taking the kareoke machine and do we have a disco ball?"

"why wouldn't we have a disco ball?" Louis said walked in the room then out. Weirdo.

"well where is this disco ball? Because i need it." I followed to where Lou was going. All the boys were in the kitchen. Awkward.

"why do you need the disco ball?" Liam looked at me like I was crazy.

"I'm setting up a party at the shop for this girl, and I thought it would be cool if there was a disco ball." they nodded their heads. Harry walked out of the room and returned a few second later holding a disco ball.

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