The New Girl Chapter:5 part:1

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A/N: I'm writting this on thursday but I started really late so either it will be a two parter or uploaded tomorrow (aka Friday) and i have a lot planned for this chapter so it can end up beig a two parter anyways. So um enought of me talking and here is chapter 5!! Woohoo!


FINALLY! We arrived at the mall. Louis would not stop singing who let the dogs out. I swear I was about to strangle him. But I couldn't do that he is just so adorable.

"YAYY!!! MALL TIME!" I shouted leaping out of the car. I have almost never been to the mall. All because of the man I called my father for 10 years. "catch me if you can!" I shouted at the boys who had just gotten out of the car. Wow how slow can they be?

"Cece don't you da-" Harry started talking but I was already out of ear shot.

I was running threw through the mall now. I saw the store forever 21 and I dived into the store doing a tuck and roll to keep me from getting hurt. As I was finishing up my roll I heard someone yelp.

I came out of the roll to see a girl about my age. She had blonde hair a little bit longer then shoulder length. Her eyes were a perfect gray blue. "oh my god! I'm sooooooo sorry! Here let me help you up." I said to her jumping up off the ground and sticking out my hand twoards her.

"thanks. And what are you doing rolling into a store?" she questioned as she took my hand in hers. I pulled her up off the ground. She looked about the same hight as me two. Hopefully she and I can become friends.

"oh I'm just running away from my older brother. It's kind of fun to see his reaction." I giggle as I thought of my brothers face when he got mad at me. He would breath heavily and his Cheeks and ears would get blood red.

"oh haha. That sounds like fun! I'm Sophie. What's your name?" she smiled at me. Wow she had a good smile.

"my name is Cecelia but everyone calls me Cece." I said back to her returning the smile she gave me. "are you from America? Because it sounds like you have an American accent but like it also sounds like you have a British accent. It's really hard to tell." I stuck my toung out and made a weird face. I don't know why I did it but I did.

"yes I am from America. Hey do you maybe want to go and get some food?" at the mention of food I realized I haven't eaten in a while.

"YES!!! LET'S GO!" me and Sophie started running out of the store. "wait can we stop in the costume shop so I can get a wig or something so my bro won't recognize me?" I looked at her pleadingly.

"sure! This seems like it will be fun! Oh and by the way I love your eyes. They look very familiar." Uhg she was noticing my brothers eyes. She stared at them for a bit then shrugged it off. "oh but there isn't a costume store here.buuuuut...." she trailed her words with a smirk on her face. "we can go get your hair dyed?" a large smile grew on my face. Harry is going to freak.

"OH MY GOD YES!!! MY BROTHER IS GOING TO FREAK!" I was jumping up and down clapping quickly. Sophie just laughed at me. She and I are going to be freinds for a long time. We may even end up being best friends!

"okay come on its right around the corner. And also I heard Lou Teasdale occasionally works there!" she got excited over this person named Lou.

"who is Lou?" her face was shocked and her mouth formed a large 'o' shape.

"Lou Teasdale is THE stylist of the famous boy band one direction! How do you not know that? You do know who one direction is right?" oh no. She is one of their fans. But she is so much fun. I don't care if she is a Fangirl or what ever. She and I are going to be friends.

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