The Recovery chapter 8

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A/N: HIIIII! I'm Sophie! I am Maggie's bestieeee! She told me I could write this chapter so here ya go! PS: My account is soph2332 so if you want to check that out I might write a story! Well thanks!

Okay well Sophie ended up only Writing part of her POV and that it. Sooooo I ended up finishing it all up. And this is Maggie now. So yeah. Here it is!


Sophie's POV

What...the...fuck!?!?! Why did he hangup on me? Was it something I did? He sounded kindof nervous or sad. I hope he's okay. I hope Cece's okay? Did something happen? Oh no...I better call them later to make sure everything's alright. I would be so upset if something were to happen to them...

Uhg. Just thinking about somethin happening to Harry or Cece makes me want to cry. They better be alright or else I'm going to like die. Uhg. It's been like 30 minute since I called Harry. I can't take the madness! This boy is just driving me mad. He is just one boy! No! He inst just one boy. He is the boy. The only boy. Okay I'm calling him now.

I pulled out my stupid NV touch. I can't wait to get a new phone. I flipped it open and dialed Harry's number. It rang a couple times before he answerd.

"HEHEHE HELLLUUUUU SOOOPPPHHHIIIIEEEEE" a females voice slurred through the phone. It sounded sort of like Cece. Is Cece drunk?

"Cece? Are you drunk?" i asked carefully. I heard some fumbling and then a faint 'oops' and then some giggling.

"hey harry! Am I drunk? Because I feel drunk. Sophie wants to know of I'm drunk. Or is Sophie drunk? ERMEHGAWD! Sophie!? Are you drunk?!" Cece was babbling on and on. At least Harry was with her.

"no Cece. I'm not drunk. Are you alright?" god this girl is weird.

"oh gooooooddddddd!" she lead the word on. "and Harry says I'm not drunk. He says I'm on anesthesia. Hehehehehe. That's a funny word. Anesthesia anesthesia anesthesia anesthesia. Now it doesn't sound like a word! Uhhh ohhh!" wait what? Why is she on anesthesia?

"Cece can I talk with Harry?" I heard her gasp.

"you would rather talk to Harry then me??" her voice was devistated. God damnit. How do I explain this without her freaking out?

"I just need to check with Harry to make sure you are alright. Because umm well, you aren't in the right state of mind to be tellin me stuff." she slurred out a long 'oh'

"OKAY! Ohhh Harry!!!" she sing songed. I could slightly hear Harry hum back a quick answer. Oh god oh god. I'm about to talk to Harry. "Sophie wants to talk to you!!!"

I heard rustling then Harry's soft voice came on. "hello" I wanted to squeal so badly but I knew I shouldn't.

"hi Harry. Ummmm what's up with Cece is she alright?" I heard him sigh.

"she's um getting surgery on her stomach. I'm not sure if she has told you everything but I will leave it to her to expl-CECE NO! DON'T TOUCH THOES BUTTONS!" I almost dropped my phone at Harry's shouting. I heard giggling. Probably from Cece. "sorry Sophie we have to go. Cece got into trouble umm... err... yeah... Well bye."

"BYE SOPHIE TALK TO YOU LATERRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" Cece shouted through the phone and she got quieter till she wasn't making a sound.

"well bye harry. Tell Cece to call me when she gets out so she can explain to me." harry have a little 'mmmhhhmmm' then the line went dead. I wonder what Cece has to explain to me.


finally! The anesthesia the doctors gave Cece kicked in. After they gave her another dose... She is such a fighter. I'm proud to call her my sister.

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