A New Life Chapter:2

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A/N: I told you there would be another update. But it was sooner then I thought... Well! You guys are lucky that I freaking love! To write this shiz. So yeah. Here is chapter 2! Oh and also I will try to update every day. If I can't update I will put an authors note. Enjoy!


Did I hear him correctly. He is here to adopt me. After 3 fucking years he is here to adopt me. I got up from sitting next to him. I started slowly backing away. He reached his hand up to stop me but I slapped it away.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Tears were now streaming down my face. He had a look of hurt on his face.

"I'm sorry. I know this is a lot to take in. But-" I stopped him before he could finish his sentence.

"a lot to take in. Your damn right it is! I have been here for 3 years! 3 fucking years and you decide to come now?!" my vision was blurred by the tears and my throught was hurting. I have never raised my voice like this before.

Then out of no where I felt a large thump on the back of my head. I fel to the ground screaming. "NO DADDY PLEASE NO!" I shouted. I had my eyes closed tightly, and I was in the fetal position.

"Cece your father is dead. There is no bead to worry about him. It was just a ball." the head mistress said to me coming to my side her voice had a soft tone to it rather then her normal strict tone.

I sat up and looked around. Harry and the head mistress were by my sides. I went into the arms of the closest person who just happened to be Harry. I started sobbing into his black examines shirt. He was rubbing my back and tellin me that everything was all right and that he was here for me.

"I'm sorry Harry. I'm sorry for freaking out. I just. I don't know what happened." I whispered just loud enough so he could hear me.

"its alright. And I understand if you don't want to live with me. I just thought it would be no we then living in an orphanage." he said to me. Wow he was so nice and he accepted me, even tho I just freaked out on him.

"I would love to come live with you Harry. It's much better then this hell hole." Harry chuckled but the head mistress gave a slight growl. I swear this women was half dog or something. "okay well I'm going to go and pack my stuff and tell everyone goodbye. I will be ready in maybe an hour or so. Thank you Harry." I quickly jogged away before anyone could say anything.

I walked into the room that is no longer mine. I took down all the posters of music artists and actors/actresses. Once thoes were all down all I had to do was pack all my clothing and makeup-which I never wore-and then I could go and say my goodbyes.

As I was in the middle of packing I heard Saarah squeal then run into my room dragging someone behind her.

"OHMYGODCECEITSHARRYSTYLESOHMYGODOHMYGOD!!!" she said in a high pitch squeal and she said it so fast I could barley understand her.

I looked up to her and saw Harry standing behind her with most of the girls from this orphanage clinging on to him. I couldn't help but laugh at my half brother standing there with probably 15 girls holding onto him like their life depended on it.

"wait... Cece why are you packing?" Saarah asked. Oh no. This can't be happening. I dot want to leave her I just can't.

"I got adopted..." I said slowly and then continuedx. "by Harry." I looked at Saarah. Her face was covered in tears. I started crying too. She ran over to me and hugged me tight. "I'm going to miss you Saarah." I whispered in her ear.

Out of no where Saarah started giggling. "hey Cece remember that promise you made to johnny?" I was confused what promise did I ever make to John- OH SHIT!

"oh no... No no no. I never though this day would come. Uhg! Maybe I can leave before he finds out!" I said frantically as I rememberd the promise I had made to johnny just last year.

"too bad that I'm standing right here." johnny said with a smirk on his face.

"fuck!" I groaned flipping my head back. Saarah slapped my arm. It actually really hurt. "what was that for?!" I asks her.

"you used the 'F' word!" she scolded

Me. I forgot that these kids aren't my age. Whoops.

"sorry." I mumbled as I gave her a dollar. Every time I swore I had to pay her a dollar. She must be rich by now. "well lets get this over with." I said motioning for Johnny to come over twoards me.

"finally. I've been waiting a year for this!" Johnny said as he was standing in front of me. I quickly made the decision to kiss him. I went in quickly but I couldn't pull away yet. I had to wait 10 seconds before I could pull away.

Worst 10 seconds of my life. Johnny stood there dancing and smiling like a fool. Where as I sat there complaining on how terrible it was. Everyone else was laughing.

"Cecilia its time for you to go." nancy walked into the room. Wait what. She never called me Cecilia.

"okay." I said standing up and zipping up my bag. I started to carry it out but Harry took it from me. I didn't protest. It was a nice gester.

I walked threw these halls one last time. I was downstairs about to go out the door when I hear Luke scream my name. I guess he found my little surprise.

I grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him out of the orphanage. And then I was tackled to the ground. I flipped over off my stomach onto my back to see a baby blue haired Luke. "so I see you like my little surprise." I giggled as he kept me pinned down.

"you are lucky you are leaving Cece." he told me as he jumpped off of me. I stuck my toung out at him as he walked away. What no good bye. That little duche.

"so Uhh.. We better go now the boys are waiting for us back at the hotel." wait what? Hotel. Why is he staying at a hotel.

"why are you guys staying at a hotel?" I asked. God this boy needs to explain more.

"well we aren't from America. We are from London." I started at him blankly as he shoved my bags into the back of the car.


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