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A/N: haha Sophie was mad at me for the last chapter. Haha :) and she was upset that I was going to be ending it soon, but she didn't realize that I was doing a sequal... And I seriously have an amazon idea for it. I personally thing it will be better then this. So yeah.



"CECE! WERE HOME!" I shouted into the house when I walked in. I have to admit that the boys and I did go out and celebrate after we got told on how the magazine gave us such a good review. I might of had a lot to drink.

"Harry, shhhhhhhh she is probably sleeping." Louis stumbled over to me and placed his finger on my lips.

"well I'm going to bed." I stumbled over to my room and fell on my bed. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.


I'm terrified out of my mind right now. The man who helped my father cause me so much pain, has taken me to an old house. He now has me chained to a pole in the basement. It's cold, it's dark, and my body feels like there are a billion needles being stabbed into it.

I want to cry but if I make a noise my uncle will come down and beat me. The door to the basement opened up and the lights came on. I looked up to the top of the stairs and saw my uncle. I started to shake in fear.

"here is some food. Eat it now." he came and unlocked me from the pole. I didn't move. I felt a burning pain stretch across my right cheek. "you little bitch! I made you a sandwich and you won't even eat it?" my uncle slapped me again, and again, and again.


I woke up with a terrible head ache. I went to the kitchen got a glass of water and two advil's. I looked at the time and noticed it was 10 in the morning. Cece is usually up by now. Where is she?

I walked over to her room and knocked on the door. No answer. "Cece? Are you in there?" I said as I knocked on her door a little louder. Still no reply. Okay now I'm getting worried.

I quickly opened her door. I looked around. She wasn't there. I looked around her room and found a note on her desk. It read:

'if you ever want to see your sister again, you will have to send 10,000 American dollars to this address 123 old London road. If the money isnt at that address by June 23 she is dead.'

I fell to my knees. I have two days to get the money. I can get it but not easily. This is not going to be good.



"daddy? When is mommy coming back?" I asked my father. I felt a stinging pain in my cheek.

"don't you date mention her ever again." my father pinted at me with the hand that wasn't holding a beer bottle. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. I nodded my head slowly and whipped the years from my eyes.

*end of flashback*

"that sick bastard." I mumbled to myself as I thought of the first time my father hit me.

I heard the basement door creek open. My uncles figure appeared in the door way. "good your awake." he snarled at me.

"what would it matter if I was awake or not. You would still beat me even if I was asleep." I rolled my eyes at him.

"what did you say?" he stomped down the stairs.

"you heard me. But before you beat me again, I have one question. Why are you abusing me? I did nothing. I understand my father but not you. You weren't even blood relatives with my mother." he made a noise that sounded like a growl.

"I may have blamed it on your mothers death but truth is, I never liked you." after he finished that he slapped me in the face. Finally a reason for his abusing me.

"but why are you going through all this trouble for me? I have been out of your life and now that my life is good you decide to come and get me?" I'm just realizing how crazy my uncle is.

"well I found out that your half brother is the famous Harry styles, so I decided to use you against him to get some money out of him." he let out a quick chuckle. "and if your brother doesn't give me the money by the 23 you are going to get to see your mother and father again." what? He is going to kill me just for some money?

I nodded my head. I was to shocked to say anything. Death was one of my biggest fears. I don't know why I'm afraid of it. I guess because I didn't know what would happen to me afterwords. I don't want to die. But I trust Harry. I know he will come through for me.


A/N: Okay so um there is probably going to be two more chapters possibly three. I will try to make it three but if I can only get 2 chapters out, it won't be long till I start the sequal. But the sequal will be updated less frequently so it will last a little longer.

But here is the condition for the sequal. This book has to get at least 1,000 reads and 10 votes before I upload the sequal. Only about 100 more reads and 3 votes! That's easy peasy lemon squeezy. And I may start doing some requirements for the sequal, just to get things moving along more.

And it could possibly be a while before I update again because well I have this science thing and it's been getting really hard for me and I wanted to start crying because of it today. It has been making me feel stupid because I understand nothing about it and I have to write like a 4 page paper for it. I hope that won't be hard but it probably will. I'm terrible at writing papers in school. I'm better at this kind of writting. And mystery I'm good at mystery.

I just needed to get that out. Thanks to the people who actually read my authors notes! Even if they are long and pointless. The occasionally have important stuff!


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