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A/N: this might be the first planned chapter I've had in a long Time... Haha


Josh and I have been dating for 2 weeks now. My feelings for him get stronger each day. Harry let me stay in Hawaii another 2 weeks with Josh's family, but today is the day I'm going back on tour with the boys.

There was a knock on the door. "hey Cece can I come in?" Josh's voice filled my ears. I got all excited.

"sure the door is open." josh walked into my room. He didn't have the usual look he did when he saw me. He was always so happy.

"Cece, things aren't working out." I stopped breathing.

"what do you mean things aren't working out?" my voice cracked.

"you and me. I'm sorry but we are over." my heart sank. I never thought I would hear thoes words come out of Josh's mouth.

"if you feel that way then fine." I stood up with tears in my eyes grabbed my luggage and left. When I got out side it was raining and cold. I didn't want to get a taxi. I didn't have any money either so I ended up walking all the way to the air port alone, and broken hearted.

Once I got to the air port I was soaking wet and freezing. "flight 204 to Italy is now boarding." we'll that's my flight. I walked over to the boarding terminal I quickly got on and took a window seat. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

******after plane ride*******

"excuse me. Miss, the plane has landed and you need to get up." I opened my eyes to an airline attendant waking me up.

"oh thank you for waking me up." I smiled at her weakly and stood up from my seat. I grabbed my luggage and walked off the plane. I looked around the area for the boys but there was still no sight of them. I took out my phone and called Harry.

"hello?" his low and raspy voice came through the phone.

"hi Harry, where are you? I'm at the airport right now and I don't see you." I just noticed how nasley my voice sounded. I'm probably coming down with a cold.

"turn around." I turned around to see my brother. I ran into his arms and started sobbing. "Cece, are you alright?"

"n-n-no. J-j-josh broke up w-w-with me." I managed to get out inbetween sobs.

"oh Cece I'm so sorry."

"I thought he was the one Harry, I thought he was the one."


A/N: Okay so sorry that this one is really short. But... It's short and simple, simple but effective. There will be another update tomorrow I promise!


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