The Truth Chpt:1

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A/N: I posted the prologue not to long ago and I already have 1 read!! Woohoo! So here is the first officially chapter!


I sat in the bed of my room. I was now the oldest kid here at the orphanage so I get my own room. I have been at this orphanage for 3 years and no one has even thought about adopting me.

"CECE HELP!! JOHNNY IS CHASING ME!" Saarah-the girl I consider my sister- said as she came running into my room.

Johnny came running in not far behind her. Saarah was now curled up behind me. "Johnny, Why are you chasing her this time?" i asked the 9 year old boy that stood in front of me.

"hey babe, no need to get protective." Johnny said slinging an arm around my shoulder. I lightly gripped his arm and pushed it off me. "come on Cece you know you can resist me." he said with a slight smirk playing at his lips.

"I've told you do many times Johnny. It's not going to happen. I'm 13 almost 14 and your 9. But seriously why are you chasing Saarah?" I asked him. He was always flirting with me. It got really annoying since he knew the answer would always be no.

"she won't stop playing that crappy boy band one direction." he said rolling his eyes.

"THEY ARE NOT CRAPPY! THEY ARE AMAZING!" Saarah said popping her head up from behind me. I flinched as she screached in my ear.

I bent over and reached under my bed. I grabbed my headphones and handed them to Saarah. "please listen to your music with there. And Johnny, stop over reacting. Now get out! Both of you! I have stuff to attend to." I was lying but I wanted the two twins to leve my room. I watched as Johnny walked out of the room Saarah skipping behind him happily.

I laird back down on my bed. I thought about what it would be like to be adopted. To have a family. Parents that cared about me. Maybe even a brother or sister. A smile spread on my face as I day dreamed.

I finally decided to get up out of my bed and walk around. As I walked down the hall that led to the large stair case I had gone up and down many times, I bumped into Nancy.

"oh! Cece I was just coming to get you!" she said a large smile on her face. Nancy was the women who took care of all the kids here. When ever she was looking for me it was never a good thing. I guess you could say that I was a trouble maker.

"I didn't do anything! I swear!" I protested lifting my hands up from my sides to show a little emphasis.

"oh no. Your not in trouble. For now." I let out a sigh. That means she hasn't seen what I did to Luke's hair gel. "but never mind that. There is someone here for you." she said the smile getting bigger on her face. I swear if she were to smile any bigger she would have scars on her face like the joker from batman.

"me?!" I asked surprised. No one ever wanted me. And I didn't have any known family soot friends so who would be here to see me?

"yes you. So hurry up and get downstairs." she shoed me away. I rolled my eyes at her pushing me down the stairs.

"can't wait to get rid of me huh?" I said to her sarcasticly. She gave a quick little sarcastic reply back.

I walked down the last few steps and turned the corner. I stopped when I saw a boy with a bush of curly hair on top of his head and shocking electric green eyes. He looked slightly like me. Our green eyes were identical but our hair is what sets us apart.

"Cecilia, glad you could make it." the head mistress said to me with a happy tone. What is going on? She is never happy.

"hello mrs.spencer." I said politely. I didn't want to act up infront of the head mistress. I've learned from past mistakes.

"come take a seat." she pointed to the seat next to the curly haired boy, he had a goofy smile plastered on his face. I walked over and sat down next to him. "Cecilia, the boy you are sitting next to is Harry Styles." my mouth dropped open what is he doing here? "he is your half brother." I looked over at him and them back at the head mistress.

"b-but. I'm an only child. I have no brothers or sisters!" I almost shouted. This was a shocking moment for me.

Then Harry spoke up. "I know it's hard to belive but it's true. Your mother and my father, I'm well..." he started rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I'm 13 almost 14 I know what sex is." I blurted out. I looked over at my head mistress and saw her glaring at me. Uhg. Why did this women hate me so much!

"well yes, they had sex. And that sex led to you." no durh. "and well the man you thought was your father all thoes years was not your real father. He was you step father." how is it possible that a boy who claims is my brother knows more about my family then I did?

"so why are you here?" I asked sounding a bit snotty. That tends to happen with me. I'm a teenage girl! I can't help it!

"I'm here to adopt you."


A/N: Soooo that was chapter one! And omg I can't belive I left you with a clif hanger! 0.0 I feel bad now. I may or may not update again today. This chapter isn't that long but um yeah. And I'm thanks for reading and it is very likely that there will be another chapter in a couple hours. You guys are lucky I love to write fan FICs! :P hhaha.


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