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A/N: this book will be ending soon. But...... I DECIDED TO DO A SEQUAL! I don't think I spelt that right... But um this book is almost to 1,000 reads! I'm so excited! You guys are amazing. And please do comment. It would mean a lot to me I'd you did. So here is chapter 21!


It's been a week since the interview and the magazine is coming out today. I'm afraid of what it's going to say. They are either going to help my brothers career or kill it. "Cece are you alright? Your mumbling to yourself." zayn said. was I really just mumbling that to my self?

"yeah I'm fine. I'm just nervous about the magazine." I wasn't just nervous for their career but I was worried about what people would think of me. Yeah most of the fans already knew that I was abused as a child but soon a lot of people will know about my child hood.

"don't worry about it Cece. Simon said that Justine really liked us and she thought we were a great bunch of people." Zayn came and patted me on the back lightly. I let out a big sigh and just slouched into my seat and pulled out my phone.


'hey Sophie! Why haven't you been answering any of my texts or calls? I've been trying to contact you all week! Text me back soon. ;)'

I locked my phone and stretched out across the couch. Sophie has been ignoring me all week and I'm getting kind of pissed. Just as I was about to try and take a nap my phone went off.


'stop texting me.'

What. The. Hell. Seriously? She wants me to stop texting her? What's up with her. First she says how much she misses me and now she doesn't want to talk to me.


'fine if that's how you feel I guess we aren't friends.'

Once I finished that text and sent it I chucked my phone at the wall. Sophie was the only person that I actually texted. Other then the boys and Lou, but I see them all the time. Now that Sophie and I aren't friends I don't need my phone.

"what the hell was that?" Louis came out of a door with nasty bed head and he was still in his pajamas. Whoops I guess I woke him up.

I pointed to where my phone landed "I chucked my phone at the wall because I got angry." Louis gasped and walked over to me.

"your angry! What happened? Tell me everything." I rolled my eyes and giggled at how much of a gossip Louis is.

"well it all started the day I went to see Sophie..." I told Lou the entier story up until right now when I chucked my phone at the wall.

"oh no she didn't." Louis snapped his fingers in a Z formation. I started dying of laughter. I was laughing so hard I fell off the couch.

"ow." I mumbled into the floor. I fell face first.

"Cece, shut up. I'm trying to sleep." Harry peaked his head from around the corner. He looked like he was dead.

"Harry its 1 in the afternoon, you should be awake and naked by now." I told him. This time it was Louis who broke out in laughter. The thing is, Harry LOVES to get naked. He says it makes him feel free. So a few times I come home or woken up to a naked Harry.

"just shut up." Harry ran a hand through is hair and went back to bed.

"*cough* dick *cough*" I loved doing that. The little fake cough to cover up a word. It's fun.

"I'm glad your not my sister." Louis said.i gasped.

"Louis! I am offended. And I pretty much am your sister. It's pretty much like I have 5 brothers and 1 sister." I smiled up at Louis. "the ground is actually very comfortable." I said as I flipped onto my back. I started to do snow angles, just without snow.

"okay well I need to go wake up Harry and Niall. The boys and I have to go and see uncle Simon."

"can I come?" I asked a little excitedly. The answer will probably be no. The boys never let me see simon.

"no sorry. Simon can be pretty intense. Especially with something like today. How the magazine is coming out today and stuff." Louis said before he walked out of the room. I sighed and got back up onto the couch.


The boys have now left and I'm home alone. I'm so bored! I turned on the tv and searched through all the channels to see whats on. Nothing good. I got up and looked through the boys DVD collection. I've already seen all these movies.

'knock knock' there was a knock at the front door. I slowly made my way over and when I opened the door I was encased in black. There was a sack or something over my head. My first instinct was to scream. Once the noise escaped my lips I received a smack in the head.

"shut up you little bitch." no it can't be. How did he find out where I was? How...


A/N: who do you think it is? But you gus probably already know. And oh my god. I'm soooo excited for the sequal! I have a great idea for it. Please do comment and vote and fan. It would be really great if you did. And tell your friends/fans about this story. It would be amazing if you could help me get to 1,000+ reads


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