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When I looked at Sam after I finished talking to Elton, he was just looking at nothing.


He didn't answer, so I put my hand on his shoulder.

He jumped, scaring me a little bit.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"No reason."

He shrugged it off and went to talk to Jake.

"What's up with him?"

Elton asked, looking past me and towards Sam.

"I don't know."

He hummed, walking away.

I followed as he walked towards the group.

"Hey, Corey."

He said, putting his arm on Corey's shoulder, causing him to stiffen up.

"H-hi, Elton."

The taller boy said, trying to clear the lump from his throat.

"How's it going?"

"Um... Okay, I guess."

I was trying not to laugh as Corey looked at me with fear when he mouthed a help me.



Elton asked.

"I said nope."


I smirked at Corey as he tilted his head to the side.

"Because Corey said help me to me."

Elton then turned and smirked at him, moving his face closer to Corey's.

The other boy's eyes went wide as Elton started to whisper in his ear.

I don't know what he said, but within a second, Corey pushed him off of him and into a wall.

Confused, I walked over, soon regretting it as I saw them start making out.

As I turned to walk into the kitchen to find Devyn, I saw her standing in the doorway to the living room with tears in her eyes.

I gave her a sympathetic look and walked over to her.

"I'm so sorry, Devyn."

I said, hugging her.

She started to sob into my shoulder as we stood there.

I looked back to see them still there against the wall.

"Come on. Let's go and sit with the group."

She nodded and we walked into the living room, sitting on the couch.

Everyone was looking at us as she curled up onto my side, still crying.

Sam walked over and sat on the other side of me.

"What's wrong?"

He whispered, looking at Devyn.

I pointed into the kitchen.

Sam moved to where he could see into the room, eyes wide once he sat back down.

"Elton and Corey?"

I nodded, pulling Devyn closer.

She scooted more as her back was still pushed into the couches armrest.

Then everyone walked over probably wondering the same thing Sam did.

I told them the whole story and they also looked into the kitchen with wide eyes.

We all comforted Devyn as she still cried.

After a few minutes though, she stopped.

"Thanks, guys."

She said, wiping her eyes then her nose.

They all said their you're welcomes and continued to talk to her.

"I'll be back. I have to use the bathroom."

I said, standing up.

I really did have to go, but after I was done, I walked into the kitchen.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?"

I pushed Corey and Elton apart.

What do you mean? I thought you said he likes me."

Elton spat.

"I did, but I didn't think you guys would do this."

He glared at me, mumbling to himself.

"What did you say?"

I said, obviously getting defensive.

"I said at least I didn't lie to my friends."

"When did I ever lie to my friends?"


I stiffened up at his name.

"Don't even talk about him in front of me."

"Aw, little whiny Colby's mad. What are you going to do about it?"

I clenched my fists.

"Elton. Stop. How do you know about Brennen? Only Colby and I know."

Corey intervened, pushing him away from himself.

"Oh, no. I do too. And I know a lot of other things."

"Like what?"

"Like the fact you used to like him because you thought he was the only person you can love."

I shoved him against the wall, possibly making a dent.

"It's not my fault he manipulated me into thinking that."

I growled as I grabbed his shirt collar.

"He didn't have to. You already loved him and you know that."

"That's it. You're dead, Elton."

I mumbled right before I slammed my fist right into his face, again and again and again.

All I could see was red as I heard my name being called.

Some of those voices tried to pull me away, but I pushed them away.

I didn't care.

He would just tell everyone about it.

And I don't want them to worry about me.

Especially Sam.


I stopped at that moment, remembering the love of my life.

At that point, someone tackled me to the ground and restrained my hands.

When the red cleared, all I saw was Jake and Mike above me.

"What were you thinking? Now Elton's beaten to a pulp."

I just glared at them before pushing them both off and walking to the living room.

I could've sworn I saw Elton smirk at me when they tackled me.

If only they knew the truth.

|Word Count| 870
Ayeee. Sorry if the chapter's bad, but at least I updated for once! Hope you enjoyed! What do you think is going to happen? Comment what you think! Adios, bitches!✌️


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