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Time Skip

Sam's POV

It's been 5 weeks since Devyn has been in the hospital and I've just felt horrible for the past week.

I've woken up almost every night puking my guts out and urinating a lot.

Right now, I'm just sitting on the couch watching Criminal Minds with Colby and the others.

"I'll be right back."

I said, standing up from my position beside Colby.

"Where are you going?"

He asked, worried.

"To the bathroom."

"Are you okay? You've been going there a lot lately."

He walked up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yeah. Just not feeling good and peeing mostly."

His eyebrow arched up as he let go of me so I could go.

I hurried into the room as I felt my stomach churning and I puked as soon as I made it to the toilet.

As I ran, I fell but got right back up and puked.

When I felt a hand on me, I jumped but relaxed as I realized it was Colby when he spoke.

"Are you okay, baby?"

I didn't answer because I couldn't, but weakly gave him a half thumbs up.


He kneeled down beside me and put his hand on my shoulder reassuringly until I finished. 

When I sat up, he handed me a towel that was on the counter.

"Here. Use this and we'll get you cleaned up."

I wiped my mouth and sat it down.

He help me up and walked me over to the bath tub and sat me on a chair like thing.

"Are you okay?"

I shook my head and took the clothes he handed me and changed into them, sitting down again right after.

"What's wrong?"

His blue eyes shimmered like diamonds as they starred into mine.

"I don't know. I felt nauseous and then boom."

Colby looked at me, pupils dilating as they grew wide.

Oh my God.

I'm so stupid.

"Are you..."

I looked back at him the same way, not even bothering to answer him.

We just sat there saying nothing for a good 10 minutes until someone knocked on the door.


Colby yelled behind him.

"Oh. Just tell me when you're done or whatever cuz I have to pee."

I relaxed as I realized it was just Devyn.


"You feel better enough to go to the bedroom?"

He whispered and I nodded in response.


I wrapped my arm around his shoulders as he held my waist and helped me up.

We slowly walked out and I turned to see Devyn, causing me to almost cry.

She was so pale and frail, skin a deep yellow with a couple of lighter spots where the bones were exposed.

I just looked at the ground as guilt rested in the pit of my stomach.

When I looked up at Colby, he had a couple of tears on his cheeks.

As we got into the room, I instantly started crying when he shut the door.

He did too and it just made me want to cry more.

I hated seeing him like this.

All sad and heartbroken because of something we couldn't control.

It's all my fault.

I slowly grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bed, laying down.

He laid down beside me and just held me close as we cried.

If I didn't ask Colby to go get Twister, we wouldn't be here like this in the first place.

I know that we can't control it, but if I would've seen that there was something wrong sooner, Devyn wouldn't be sick.

I'm a fucking nurse for God's sake.

I'm supposed to know when there's something wrong.

But I didn't.

I was too caught up in everything else that I didn't pay attention to Devyn and the group.

I just wish I would've seen it sooner.

My thoughts got caught off after that as the door slowly opened, revealing Devyn.

"Are you guys okay?"

She asked, walking in and sitting on the bed.

I sat up and looked down at Colby, only to see him fast asleep.

"Yeah. Just sad."

She nodded and moved her hand onto mine, squeezing it lightly.

I squeezed hers back as we sat there in a comfortable silence, the only noises being our breathing and Colby's snores.

"He really loves you, you know that?"

Her eyes glistened as tears coated the baby blue orbs.

"What's wrong?"

I asked, scooting over and wrapping my arm around her.

She laid her head on my shoulder and instantly started crying.

We didn't say anything as Devyn cried.

I waited until she calmed down to repeat myself.

"What's wrong, Dev?"

She sniffled and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me back.

"I-I just wish I had enough time to finally have a real relationship with Corey."

A sharp pain just hit my heart a I started crying too.

"I know, Dev. You still can. You just have to live all of the time you have left to the fullest."

She cried harder as she continued hugging me.

"W-when I die, what's going to happen to Corey?"

I rubbed circles on her back as I heard her breathing slow down a little.

"I don't know..."

She nodded and didn't move or say anything else.

I just starred at the wall as the silence continued until Devyn's breathing completely quieted down.

When I looked down, I saw her snoozing, causing me to smile.

I slowly stood up as I tried not to wake her and laid her down because I knew she hasn't slept well lately.

After that, I walked down to the kitchen, got a Gatorade and saltine crackers, then walked into the living room and just sat on the couch watching TV.

|Word Count| 978
Ayeee. I updatedddd. I don't have anything to say, so adios, bitches. 😗✌️


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