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I was alone in the bathroom of a shitty house party when a hot guy with a scowl walked in and interrupted my crying sesh.

"Can you leave, I need a piss."

Lovely. Just ruined the moment and potential romantic relationship that could have sparked between me and this handsome stranger.

"I'm kind of busy in here," I sniffed, wanting him to take pity on me so I could at least have someone to talk to. Pathetic, I know, but I needed someone.

"Well can you take your sob story somewhere else please, because there's a million places to cry and only one bathroom."

His harsh tone and prominent scowl stopped my tears so I could see him clearly.

"You're a charmer."

"This isn't one of those fucking romantic openings where I listen to you spill your sad life story as you put your head on my shoulder and we share an intimate moment. That's far too cliche. No - I just want a fucking piss so can you please, for the love of god, cry somewhere else?"

As he got closer to me, I could feel the anger radiating off him, and remember all the stories about drunk strangers in bathrooms, I decided he was right and I should leave. I left the party as well, soon after, I'd had enough flat beer and stale Doritos for the night, and all I wanted to do was change into my pyjamas and sleep.

What a night, eh?

You're probably wondering who I am and what's going on and as tired as I am, I'll do the decent thing and tell you.

I'm Elle, not like Ellie, like L - and no, not a knock off of stranger things because I was born way before that show. I'm twenty one! So yeah - that's me. Now why am I crying? Well, let me tell you. You know when you find someone and think that they're the one for you, they're your person; they meet your parents, the sex is great, your friends love them, the sex is great, they hold your hair back when you're throwing up after eating too much cheese even though you're fully aware you're lactose intolerant but like 'living life on the edge'? Yeah that's bullshit.

My person was Harry, we dated for over a year, all the above applied to our relationships and I really thought he was the one for me. Until about an hour ago when I walked in on him fucking my best friend Maia.

And do you know what that pathetic scumbag's excuse was?
"I thought she was you!"

Are you actually kidding me? One - I thought he would have been in my vagina enough times to know if it was me or not. Two - Maia and I didn't even look remotely similar; she was a gorgeous Filipino and I was a pasty white fuck. But still.

So yeah, my long term (for me) boyfriend had cheated on me with my best friend of five years - what a fucking cliche. All I wanted to do was sleep but even that was interrupted at 8am the next morning when I could hear banging and swearing from outside my door.

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