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We'd been put on another mission, just the two of us, to go back to the area, and so far it hadn't gone to plan. We'd been cornered by a group of demons and it was only because something had crashed down behind them that Alec and I had managed to get away.

"Run!" he shouted with so much authority that I didn't even blink as my body went into fight mode and I sped off down the street.

His footsteps echoed loudly after me until he caught up and pulled us into a small, dark alleyway. It was so tiny that we were pressed against each other and our loud breathing was all that we could hear. He smirked when I met his eyes and I held back a small laugh as I tried to calm my pounding heart.

"Shh," he muttered, putting his finger on my lips which made my breath hitch.

" I think the coast is clear," I whispered when my breathing had returned to normal.

"Maybe we should leave then," he mumbled, but neither of us made any attempt to move.

His eyes darted down to my lips and I could feel his breath on my neck which sent shivers down my spine. We heard another noise and I flinched slightly, but his hand reached for mine and gave it a squeeze before we darted out of the alleyway and ran again. The demon followed at an alarming speed and Alec whipped out his sword to defend us. It was centimetres away from slicing me open so I stepped back to protect myself and ended up tripping. Alec turned to help me but I screamed at him to kill the demon as I returned to my feet and swung my nunchucks. Somehow the demon flailed for what felt like hours, before collapsing lifelessly and then disintegrating.

I grinned at Alec but before I could congratulate him, he pushed me against the wall and kissed me hard. I was breathless at the end of it and didn't know what to say.

"We need to keep moving, there could be more demons."

I returned to my senses and followed after Alec, who seemed to be speeding ahead deliberately to avoid me. Once we were out of danger I sprinted up to him and grabbed his arm to stop him from carrying on.

"What was that back there?" I asked nervously, not knowing how he felt about it.

Alec ran his hand through his hair and regretfully met my eyes.
"I'm sorry, it won't happen again. I was distracted."

I was kind of hurt by his words but decided to be brave.

"What if I want it to happen again?"

Alec looked at me quizzically as if he didn't hear me right.
"You want me to almost stab you again?"

"Oh my god I was talking about our kiss!"

We laughed but then his face turned serious.
"Seriously though, I am sorry for almost stabbing you."

I punched his arm and he smirked as we made our way back to the institute.

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