23 - Final chapter

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There was a gasp of shock from various people and I didn't know if I should make it over to the others or stay where I was. I got my answer when Alec started walking towards me and grabbed my face, kissing me long and hard.

In that moment I couldn't care less about the people watching, about Lydia, about Raphael, about Alec's parents - all that mattered was him kissing me.

"I love you Elle-May Cooke. More than anything or anyone in this world or any other. Please forgive me?"

I felt a mix of emotions as I caught Raphael's eye. He gave me a small smile and a nod and I mouthed 'thank you' before kissing Alec again as if our lives depended on it, it was hungry and desperate - we'd missed each other.

He broke away and turned to Lydia, who looked crushed but not angry.

"Lydia, I'm so sorry, you're a lovely girl and you'll find someone right for you, it's just not me."

"You deserve to be happy, Alexander," she said, and I gave her a grateful smile.

Maryse stormed up to us and slapped Alec across his face.
"I told you to end things with this girl! Why must you disobey me? I thought Izabelle was the family disappointment but it seems to be you."

She walked out without another word and most of the guests dispersed soon as well. I found Raphael and apologised for everything, but he was so sweet and understanding and said there were no hard feelings. The others bombarded Alec with questions but he excused himself and told them he needed some time alone with me first so we went to his bedroom.

"These last few weeks have killed me Elle. I never wanted to end things with you - my mother made me. You're the most beautiful and kind person I know and nothing hurt me more than seeing you hurt by me. My mother told me she would kick you out of the institute if I didn't marry Lydia, something to do with family honour. I never stoped loving you but I thought it would be easier for you to move on if you hated me. Can you forgive me?"

"You put me through hell this last month, Alec, I thought I'd done something wrong."

"Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" he asked, stroking his fingers across my cheek.

"Well there is one thing I've missed..."

He smirked and got up to lock the door, deciding that the others could wait until tomorrow for an explanation.

Needless to say it was a night to remember ;)

The next day he explained to the others the situation and they forgave him.
"Just tell us next time bro, we can help you," Jace said.

His parents still wouldn't talk to him but he told me it wasn't the end of the world and they would get over it. I had a proper conversation with Raphael to sort things out and properly apologise but he said there was no hard feeling and didn't regret any time we spent together which made me feel better.

Lydia transferred to a new institute as well so things were back to normal. Alec promised that if anything like that happened again he'd tell us and not keep it to himself. I was just grateful to have him back and he made sure to make it up to me. Finally things were back to normal and I was happy again.

We I was lying in his arms in bed that night when he tapped on my hand softly three times. I tapped back and it reminded me of when we used to knock on the walls before we were together.
"I love you."

I hope this was a better ending! I've completely finished this story now haha 😂

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